12 Prenatal Stimulation Exercises

In addition to promoting the development of the baby, prenatal stimulation exercises also promote emotional bonds with parents. Here are a few.
12 prenatal stimulation exercises

Although it may seem strange to us, if babies are given good stimulation, their learning begins even before birth. During the third trimester, when the baby’s nervous system is developed and ready to perform all its functions, the time comes for mothers to perform prenatal stimulation exercises.

This stimulation, in addition to promoting the development of the baby both physically and emotionally, also promotes emotional bonds with his parents. In order for these exercises to give a good result, it is important that they are performed once a day. At the same time, however, it is important to be careful not to fall back into excesses and tire the baby. This prenatal stimulation activity will become a normal daily routine.

In this article we will see what this stimulation consists of and what types it is divided into. In addition, we will propose some exercises to be carried out during the third quarter. You don’t want to miss them, do you? Read on!

Types of prenatal stimulation exercises

Motor stimulation

These exercises, performed by the mother, develop the perception of space and movement in the baby, starting from the different positions assumed by the mother.

Visual stimulation

It exercises the stimulation of the retina, in order to make the baby able to adapt to the light. It prepares the baby for the environment in which he will be at birth and also encourages his curiosity and attention.

prenatal auditory stimulation

Sensory stimulation

Touching the belly throughout the day is a way to physically reach the baby and communicate with him. You can perform exercises using different ways of touching your belly: tapping, stroking, rubbing, using the shower …

Auditory stimulation

One of the first senses that develop in babies is that of hearing. For this reason, it is a good thing to do exercises to develop this sense. You can do this by listening to music, producing different sounds, talking to him …

Prenatal stimulation exercises

Rocking in a rocking chair

Sit in a rocking chair and rock gently, following a determined rhythm.

Take a bath

Go to the pool and float on the water as you move smoothly without diving.

Dance alone or with your partner

Take advantage of a few moments of the day to dance, sometimes employing gentle movements and twirling softly. On other occasions, however, take advantage of the company of your partner and dance with him, making him touch your belly so that even the baby can hear his dad. In this way you will provide him with motor and sensory stimulation at the same time.

Movements with the flashlight

Direct the light beam of a flashlight on the belly and move it, so that the baby can follow the light.

Take advantage of the favorable climate

When it’s sunny, take advantage of the opportunity and sunbathe for 5 minutes, with your stomach uncovered. This way your baby will receive natural light. This is one of the most enjoyable prenatal stimulation exercises for both him and you.

motor stimulation

Caress your belly

With the palm of your hand, gently caress your belly.

Get massages using creams

Take advantage of the creams you use regularly to stimulate your baby. Make circular movements on your belly with the cream you spread.

Touch with your fingertips

Make short touches with your fingertips on different points of your belly.

Touch your baby when he kicks

Gently press the same area on which your baby gave you a kick.

Listen to some music

Always do this at an adequate volume. In this way, you will  establish a connection between the baby and the outside world. Depending on the music you are listening to, its rhythm and speed, the baby may feel agitated or relaxed. We recommend that you listen to instrumental music.

You and your partner talk to the baby

By doing this, you will be able to communicate with your baby as if it had already come out of the womb and was there with you. Talk to him as you would if he were present and sing him a few songs. Even the father can talk to him: in this way the child will recognize the voices and the emotional bonds that bind you to the child will be encouraged.

Listen to the sounds coming from outside

These sounds prepare the baby for life after birth. The experiences of your daily life and lifestyle, such as the moments when you cook or go out to walk, the noises of the machines… All this will help the baby to become familiar with the sounds that await him after his birth.

Some studies have concluded that parents involved in prenatal stimulation of their babies develop a much closer and stronger emotional bond with their children. So, take the time you need to stimulate your little one and communicate with him during pregnancy. It is worth it.

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