18 Rules Of Coexistence To Teach Our Children

18 rules of coexistence to teach our children

The rules of coexistence help to create an environment of respect and tolerance in which there is no room for selfish attitudes. In this article we will show you 18 coexistence rules to put into practice at home.

It is important to teach these rules to children from an early age. This will contribute to peace and harmony both within the four walls of the home and outside with other individuals. That is why it is important that you know them very well and know how to pass them on to your children correctly.

Why teach children cohabitation rules?

These rules ensure that children interact with others in a respectful way. If they learn them, they will behave in an orderly and tolerant manner.

If such norms did not exist, each individual would act as he pleases and there would be no order. Even though there are many in our society who no longer respect these rules, it is still important to teach them to children. In doing so, in fact, they will grow with a positive attitude.

By teaching this to your child, you will prevent them from growing up insecure, lost and rebellious. These standards will help him find a balance between what he wants and what the needs of others are.

In fact, some studies reveal that individuals who practice coexistence rules from childhood as adults are happier.

The 10 main rules of coexistence

The rules of coexistence basically consist in respecting the rights of the people around us. Furthermore, they help each of us to accept that we all have duties. While they are all important, there are 10 that are the main ones to teach children :

  • Say please and thank you.
  • Not scream.
  • Greet cordially.
  • Ask and wait patiently for your turn to speak.
  • Treat the people around us as they would like to be treated, that is, with respect and kindness.
  • Share with others.

Sharing is part of the rules of coexistence

  • Do not physically and / or verbally abuse others.
  • Be polite when you come to a place.
  • Apologize when you are wrong or hurt someone.
  • Respect the ideas of others. 

Other rules of coexistence

Additionally, you must teach values ​​and principles during your child’s childhood and school time:

  • Do not demand things that are unnecessary or that parents cannot afford.
  • Listen carefully when others speak to him.
  • Help and respect the elderly.
  • Do not lie.
  • Be responsible.
  • Respect the things of others, even privacy.
  • Accept the consequences of your mistakes. 
  • Respect and care for the environment in which it lives and make good use of natural resources.

    How to teach the rules of coexistence to children

    Without a doubt, the best teaching for children is the example of their parents. For this reason you will have to be the one to put into practice and respect the rules of coexistence if you want to teach them to your child.

    So, if your child sees you greeting, apologizing, thanking and listening carefully, he will feel motivated to imitate you and perform the same gestures. The following tips will help you educate your child to respect rules and good manners in a simple and effective way.

    • Get started as soon as possible. The ideal is to teach him the rules from an early age. For example, from the age of one, teach him to say thank you. This will make it easier for him to put this rule into practice as he grows up. Moreover, from an early age he will begin to imitate you.
    • Take the time to teach him the rules. Take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself to teach your child good manners.
    • Explain the importance of rules. As the child grows and becomes able to understand, explain to him that he will have to abide by these standards and behave well.
    • Congratulate him and correct him when necessary. Congratulate the child on his good behavior. This will give him an incentive to continue to abide by the rules and do his duty. On the contrary, when he doesn’t respect the rules, correct him.
    • Play games. Teach using fun games that help him learn and practice good manners. It is important that you choose the games according to the age of the child.

    Do not hesitate to teach your child the rules of coexistence, regardless of his age. In this way, he will become a better person and foster unity and harmony in society.

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