3 Types Of Fruit Ideal For Pregnant Women

In a balanced diet, fruit always has its importance, especially in a delicate period such as that of pregnancy. Let’s find out which types of fruit are ideal in this phase.
3 types of fruit ideal for pregnant women

The woman who is in the period of gestation must follow a balanced diet but, above all, also eat lots of fruit. This is because it helps her regulate weight, hydrate and feed well.

To find out which are the 3 best types of fruit that you need to consume now that you are expecting a baby, stay with us, because in this article we present them to you.

Which fruit to choose?


Papaya is a fruit rich in papain (hence the name), an enzyme with excellent digestive and analgesic properties. It is used a lot for the slow digestion typical of pregnant women and more generally for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

It is recommended against intestinal parasites. In addition, it serves as a laxative and helps to avoid that annoying constipation that can occur during the months of pregnancy.


The consumption of papaya is also suggested to counteract the problems associated with arteriosclerosis. This type of fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins such as vitamin E, which is very important for:

  • Relieving typical stomach acid during pregnancy.
  • Avoid the breakdown of red blood cells and thus fight haemolytic anemia.
  • Increase energy and physical activity.
  • Preventing miscarriage.
  • Fighting lung infections.
  • Regulate blood sugar levels and help control diabetes.
  • Avoid edema, which is very frequent during pregnancy, and the appearance of inflammation of the hands, legs and feet.
  • Counteract the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome, which often occurs in pregnancy.
  • Improve skin health.
  • Boosting the body’s immune defenses to fight disease.

Papaya is also recommended to prevent breast cancer and cancer that affects the cervix. Some experts say it also helps increase breast milk production after delivery.


Mandarin contains a lot of vitamin C, like all citrus fruits, so it is ideal for strengthening the immune system. It favors the body’s defenses to fight germs naturally.

As if this were not enough, it also has a high content of B vitamins, important for:

  • The prevention of fatigue: very common especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The proper functioning of the central nervous system and the production of neurotransmitters.
  • Increase the energy, which is so much needed to carry out all the functions of the body and to maintain a good quality of life.
  • The metabolism of iron, a fundamental mineral during pregnancy for both the mother and the future baby.
  • Stable blood sugar levels and insulin production, especially in women with gestational diabetes.
  • Relieve migraines that affect many women.
  • The regeneration and protection of the epidermis. Pregnancy, in fact, is a phase that can see the appearance of stretch marks, cellulite and spots on the skin.
  • Reduce blood pressure. Blood pressure control tends to be a recurring topic in pregnancy due to the danger it poses to pre-eclamsia, a difficult clinical picture that can lead to the death of the mother and baby.

New mom eats an apple

Another very important type of fruit: the apple

Apple is an extremely pleasant type of fruit, but, above all, also nutritious and very useful if you are expecting a baby. Therefore, you don’t have to do without it in your diet.

Among the main properties of this fruit, which make it very recommendable, we can mention:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Some effects as a natural anti-acid. It reduces stomach acid problems and gastroenteritis, one of the most common annoyances during pregnancy.
  • Check your blood pressure.
  • It is anti-diarrheal. It also prevents constipation: a difficulty common to many pregnant women.
  • It fights edema, favoring the elimination of excess fluids and preventing the appearance of inflammation.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • It has a calming effect.
  • It is recommended against urinary tract problems, such as cystitis : it is in fact a fairly common problem at this stage of life.
  • It increases the defenses of the immune system. It counteracts the flu and has excellent expectorant properties.
  • It can be helpful in preventing diabetes.
  • It is used to reduce cramps, which are very common in pregnancy.

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