3 Ways To Entertain Your Child During The Day

3 ways to entertain your child during the day

The stimulation of the child begins with contact with the parents, when he listens to their voice and feels the warmth of their hugs. Still, there will be times when your baby will require more than that because he needs to experiment and start developing his skills.

For this we offer here some ideas that you will need to entertain the child during the day.

He needs you to entertain him

Human beings need to have a compelling life. These activities keep us emotionally alive, and children are no exception. Your child has at least two immediate things to interact with.

First, his own body; secondly, the environment that surrounds it. So that you can use these two variables to entertain the child. At this early age , interacting, playing and having fun will allow him to establish a bond of affection with those around him.

If the baby is only a few weeks old, it is likely that he still cannot reach objects with his hands and certainly will not be able to understand games. So he might even get bored if you’re not there interacting with him.

But you don’t even have to force yourself to give him attention at every moment: allow him to also have moments of tranquility to know himself, observe what surrounds him and process these stimuli.

With what to entertain the child?

Obviously, the more expressions of affection you can give him, the more affection he will develop and the sooner he will learn to reciprocate your hugs, smiles and words.

In addition to this, there are various ways to stimulate and entertain the child. These are some:

  • The company: You have to find different ways in which your presence entertains him without overwhelming him.
  • Your arms: if he is close to you he will have an almost complete vision of what surrounds him and if something disturbs him he will feel your protection.
  • The environment: there will always be new things to look at and discover.

Baby rests on the mother's chest

How to manage to entertain the child?

To make sure your baby enjoys the company of his parents and other relatives , you could put him in his crib or stroller in a place where you normally spend a lot of time. Also, to the extent possible, you could get him used to being with you as you go about your daily activities and allow other family members to interact with him.

When you hold him in your arms, for him it will be like living a movie in which he is the protagonist and he will observe everything that is around him. A practical accessory could be a baby sling, because so you can move freely and the little one will have a great view to have fun, look at everything around him and discover new things.

If he is already able to sit up, you could  use a toy car so that, as he moves forward, he can observe everything. In addition, entertaining the child will be a more dynamic activity for both of you.

Finally, you could change the position of his crib in the room in order to offer him a new insight into this. Another option is to change the decoration of the room.

More tips to help you entertain your baby

You can also use  a curtain that moves thanks to the light gusts of wind that come in through the window. Or even a ray of light passing through the blinds: this will allow you to stimulate his vision and you can entertain your child.

On the other hand, maybe you could create a play of shadows reflected on the wall, depending on the position of the light. In addition, carousels with small shapes are very useful.

As he grows up, he will have no better games to entertain himself than those he can take with his own hands. These will also serve to further develop his sense of touch. If you alternate objects, games and environmental conditions, you will be able to entertain the child and contribute to his development.

Mom and daughter have fun together

Reading method to entertain the child

Finally,  if there is one thing you shouldn’t forget, it is that your voice has a great effect on the baby. Nothing will be more attractive to him than listening to you tell a story or read a short story, even if he is not yet able to understand what you are saying.

Not only will he stay focused on listening to you, but it will  also contribute to the development of his senses and will be a way to convey to him the love of having new experiences.

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