4 Things To Never Say To A Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy for many women is by no means the smooth-running period we see in advertising. And friends and family need to help, and not make things worse with unsolicited advice.
4 things to never say to a pregnant woman

There are some things that should not be said to a pregnant woman, much less if it is a new mother, even if you are very close. If you want to help her, here are some tips to avoid hurting her. Here are 4 things you shouldn’t say to a pregnant woman for any reason.

Things you shouldn’t tell a pregnant woman

Talking about her weight tops the list of things not to tell a pregnant woman

Weight is one of the most recurring thoughts that can haunt pregnant women. In fact, it is often midwives and gynecologists who contribute to this concern. Some propose to monitor the changes that occur through the use of the scale, and others even propose to carry out a meticulous control of the calories ingested in each meal.

For this reason, on many occasions telling a pregnant woman that she is gaining weight only adds to fear and stress. As a friend or member of her family, the best thing you can do is encourage her to monitor her diet and, after giving birth, encourage her to try to regain fitness in a reasonable amount of time. Of course, all without rushing or pressing her.

Talking about weight is part of the things not to say to a pregnant woman to avoid hurting her emotionally. This is a sensitive subject and many suffer from it.

Tell your childbirth experience

When a woman becomes pregnant, one of the first things she does is go to a bookstore and look for books on pregnancy and childbirth. Only inevitably, many of these books are written from a too physiological and medical perspective.

For this reason, all pregnant women are curious about what labor is like from a more personal point of view. If you have already lived this experience, you will know that every woman is a world and every pregnant woman even more.

Pregnant woman dressed in white

Whether the birth was wonderful or horrible, it’s best to express your opinion in a neutral way. It is important not to arrive at the time of delivery with a predetermined idea, which will certainly not be satisfied.

This does not mean that you shouldn’t talk about it, but rather that it is better to emphasize that what you say is not final. Finally, don’t take information based on someone else’s experience at face value.

When the time comes to give birth, she will realize that despite the effort to learn many things about childbirth, the best learning is her own experience.

Say she looks tired

Progesterone and estrogen, together with a high sensitivity towards events, are responsible for a series of radical changes that every pregnant woman suffers.

Therefore, it is common for there to be days when she feels more tired and others when she needs to let off steam and talk. In any case, what you should never say to a pregnant woman is that she “looks tired”, because even if she is, she has every right to be.

Likewise, it is obvious that fatigue is more noticeable during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes and the drastic increase in progesterone, the hormone that regulates the reproductive cycle and which also has a calming effect. All this, coupled with the fact that it is difficult to sleep at night, makes a pregnant woman perpetually tired.

Stress during pregnancy

Before you tell her that she looks more tired and wasted than normal, try putting yourself in her shoes and ask her how she is and how she feels. And propose to lend a hand!

Encourage her to exercise she has never done before

Many times, when we have a pregnant woman next to us, we believe we can become her personal trainer. We all know that exercise is good for both a pregnant woman and a non-pregnant woman, but if a woman has never exercised before becoming pregnant, then surely the best time to start is not.

Keep in mind that not all pregnancies are the same and that many women suffer from vomiting and nausea during the nine months. Also, the extra ten or twenty pounds make the word “sport” appear as a threat rather than an invitation. So don’t stress her out with these talks and let her do what she wants and what her body allows her to do.

Many times our advice, although dictated by goodwill, ends up overwhelming or confusing a pregnant woman. So, if you want to help her, maybe it’s best to wait for her to ask you for your opinion or just want to express what she feels. In most cases, the fact that there is one person willing to listen will be enough.

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