What To Do With Children During Coronavirus Isolation

There is no doubt that the time has come to stay at home and follow the directives set by the government. However, this presupposes a significant change in our lives and it is useful to know how to best face family days.
What to do with children during Coronavirus isolation

Due to the current state of alarm resulting from the spread of the COVID-19 infection, we must be responsible and follow the measures decreed by the Government that tell us to stay in our homes. As a result, many families will have to adapt their daily lives to this emergency situation. In a similar scenario, it is useful to know what to do with children during Coronavirus isolation, so as to deal with it in the best possible way.

It is for this reason that below we offer you a series of tips and activities that you can carry out with your children to make isolation at home more bearable.

What to do with children during Coronavirus isolation

Allow children to participate in food preparation and discover new recipes

You can take advantage of this moment to teach your children the recipe for that cake they love so much, look for new ideas on how to make cupcakes in a fun way, etc. It is clear that cooking together can become one of the most enjoyable activities to do as a family during Coronavirus isolation.

On the other hand, it can be an opportunity to show your children and make them aware of the commitment required to prepare the daily meals for a family. Show them the effort required, while at the same time aiming to prepare a healthy menu all together.

Mom preparing a cake with her daughters

What to do with children during Coronavirus isolation: set aside time to talk with the family

Although this is a situation of extreme concern, it would be good to see it as an opportunity to spend time with the family that allows you to get to know each other better. For example, you can tell your children about your childhood and what you did at home, get them to talk about their interests, etc.

Carry out the cleaning together and tidy up the house

Educate the children about commitment and delegate some home responsibilities to them. For example, you can distribute house cleaning and house tidying among all family members. In this way you will teach them that it is a responsibility that everyone must take on.

What to do with children during Coronavirus isolation: playing with the family

Few things make children happy like seeing that their parents dedicate themselves to them and play with them. It is undeniable that during this situation children need to have fun together with their parents. There is therefore nothing better than playing games with the family.

It doesn’t matter if they are traditional or simple games, such as hide and seek or the game of chairs. However, you can make them even more fun by giving the winner some privileges, such as choosing the movie you will see at night, the next game to play, and so on.

Do marathons of their favorite movies

Without abusing, one of the best ways to deal with Coronavirus isolation is to watch family movies. However, it is important to plan for viewing them, as it is easy to spend too much time in front of the screen in this situation.

Parents playing play station with their daughter

Don’t lose your study habits during Coronavirus isolation

Finally, it is important that your children maintain a daily study routine and that they dedicate time each day to schoolwork.

An eternal free time can not only compromise the performance of your children when they recover their school routine, but they also run the risk of getting terribly bored.

Planning a calendar and schedules that indicate free time and time to devote to study during the day can help your children not to lose their natural academic habits. At the same time, it will prevent them from getting used to this dynamic of constant idleness.

Ultimately, maintaining a healthy routine and enjoying family time, as well as taking advantage of this moment to transmit values ​​such as responsibility, commitment and good habits, are some tips we offer you to better deal with this delicate situation.

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