Feeling Like A Mother For The First Time: When Did It Happen To You?

When did you feel like a mother for the first time? Undoubtedly, it is a very personal experience. In this article we have collected the stories of some mothers. Do you recognize yourself in what they say?
Feeling like a mother for the first time: when did it happen to you?

Feeling like a mother for the first time, when did this happen? It is an experience that varies from woman to woman, but it is certainly a special time for all of you.

Perhaps, it happened after seeing a positive pregnancy test result, or perhaps when you felt the first kick in the belly or when you held your baby for the first time.

Feeling like a mother for the first time

In this article, we will tell you about the experiences of some women and when they first felt like mothers. You may find similarities with your experience.

When I first noticed it

It happened when I looked at my belly and felt the baby kick. When I first saw the baby in the face and held it in my arms. It was then that I first felt like someone’s mother. When I felt the warm skin of the baby and the first sounds he made. I looked and admired that body that had grown inside me. “.

Pregnant woman brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

During breastfeeding and long sleepless nights

When I first breastfeed and doubted my abilities. At first, breastfeeding seemed like a strange and wonderful thing to me at the same time. I felt like a mother on nights when I knew I would barely sleep because my baby needed me. Motherhood is not only when, but also how… “.

Feeling like a mother for the first time: when the heart breaks into a thousand pieces

Feeling like a mother is a unique experience. It happened to me when I felt my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. Break up and rebuild, and always for the same people: my children. My emotions range from fear to overwhelming love. “.

When I cry until I fall asleep

What a special feeling! Sometimes I cry until I fall asleep and feel overwhelmed with worries and fears. I feel scared and overwhelmed by the thought that my children will one day have to face the world without me. “.

When my children need me

It happens when my kids need to be combed, when I have to change their nappies or tie their shoes. When they need my presence, whether they are in the crib or to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Or, when I clean them after a regurgitation.

It also happens to me when I feed them, play cards or have adventures together. When I help them figure out how to have fun or what to eat for lunch. Also, when I have to find a good answer to their questions. “.

When do I need to change my schedules

Sometimes, it happened that I had to change my plans because I was pregnant or my children had a fever. I have become that friend who has to prioritize children so that they are well. “.

Mother reading a storybook to her children.

When I feel the unconditional love of my children

Feeling like a mother has to do with the unconditional love that comes from our children. When they give me those hugs and kisses, I feel like a special person. I feel the only one who can console their tears and calm them when they are angry. Also, when my kids tell me I’m the best mother in the world, I feel indescribable emotions inside me. “.

Being and feeling mothers….

Being and feeling mothers undoubtedly makes us better people. Children teach us to love unconditionally and to see the positive side of people. They make us happy even on chaotic days (practically every day). Among other things, children teach us to forgive, to constantly strive, to have compassion, to be kind, humble, and open-minded.

Taking care of people teaches us to be selfless. Forming a family with your partner shows us the true meaning of love. Love, the only thing that matters.

So if they ask you, “When did you feel like a mother for the first time?”, You will probably answer on occasions large and small. But surely when:

  • Your children were born and you have witnessed the miracle of a life unfolding within you.
  • Your children pronounced the word “Mom” for the first time.
  • Experience what only mothers can feel: energy and fatigue at the same time, frustration, amazement, joy, fear, etc.

This combination of sensations doesn’t happen every day. Some days will be more regular, and others particularly busy. In these days you will feel more that you are a mother. Your heart will always be available to your children. You are ready to protect them and to love them with all of yourself. And you, when did you feel like a mother for the first time?

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