How To Increase The Immune System?

When it comes to taking care of ourselves and preserving our health, it is very important that the body has the proper immune defenses. Good nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits contribute significantly to a lifestyle that can boost our immune system.
How to increase the immune system?

There are many strategies we can adopt to obtain a strong body. Nutrition is, without a doubt, the key element thanks to which it is possible to achieve well-being, as are the lifestyle and the hours of rest. In the following lines we will find a series of tips to take into account when it comes to taking care of ourselves and increasing the immune system.

Talking about a diet that favors and stimulates the immune system does not necessarily mean that it is a weight loss diet. Nonetheless, cutting down on fats, sugars and all types of processed foods is never a bad idea. In this sense, no excess is positive if it is not regulated and controlled according to the concrete needs of each organism.

What function does the immune system perform?

In summary, the immune system protects the body from external pathogens. To do this, it works through the cells; more precisely, those of the “white” group: leukocytes. In turn, these elements are divided into polymorphic and mononuclear lymphocytes.

The importance of this group of cells is such that a small deficit is enough to make the body vulnerable to external attacks. Of course, vulnerability will be greater in young children and the elderly: for this reason periodic checks are so necessary.

the immune defenses protect the body from external pathogens

Nutrition to increase the immune system

The increase of defenses through nutrition is absolutely essential. It is starting from what we ingest that we are able to achieve an adequate balance of the organism. In this way, calories provide the body with enough energy to produce antibodies without weakening.

All of this does not mean that, to stay healthy, you need to gain weight. Dried fruits and natural grains such as oats (as long as they are as little processed as possible) offer excellent calorie stores and keep the body at its proper weight. Based on the amount of physical activity that is performed, each person can choose an adequate energy diet.

To increase the immune system through food, the following list may be useful to you. It lists the micronutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system:

  • Omega 3: tuna, sardines, flax seeds and salmon.
  • Probiotics:  kefir, some cheeses, yogurt.
  • Vitamin E: almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.
  • Vitamin C: citrus fruits, but also strawberries and pineapples.
  • Selenium:  present in wheat, sunflower seeds, chicken and rice.
  • Zinc:  present in large quantities in fish, nuts, oysters and whole grains.

The medicinal power of herbs

Furthermore, it is interesting to keep in mind a series of spices or herbs that are ideal for increasing the immune system:

  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Green tea
  • Cloves
  • Turmeric
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Ginseng

In special cases of colds or in the presence of viruses, bee honey is considered the natural antibiotic par excellence. Even if we are not sick, a daily spoon will maintain a good level of immune defenses within the body.

The juices

Juices are an excellent means of keeping the body hydrated and boosting its immune defenses. The classic orange juice can be alternated with that of carrots, or you can combine them together. In addition, some decongestant and antibiotic preparations can be prepared as super energizing infusions.

  • Honey, lemon, mandarin and ginger:  you can take this super juice two or three times a week, to boost immunity in a really efficient way.
  • Garlic, broccoli, onion and orange:  this is an incredible natural remedy that can restore your immune defenses in a few days.

juices are an excellent means of keeping the body hydrated and boosting its immune defenses

Increase the immune system: a combined strategy

This series of tips brings together everything we need to boost immunity in no time. Of course, the trick is to follow healthy habits, even when defenses have already been raised:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • Relax, avoid stressful situations
  • Spend at least five minutes a day in the sun, in the morning, to avoid the cold and get a sufficient dose of vitamin D
  • Avoid unhealthy foods. Choose those low in fat, sugar and unnatural preservatives
  • Drink two liters of water a day
  • Maintain a weekly exercise routine

Following a healthy exercise routine is not an impossible feat. A balanced diet, exercises and adequate rest, able to free us from stress, are the most effective remedy to increase the immune system.

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