The First Days At Home With A Newborn

The first few days at home with a newborn

After nine months of waiting, you can hold your baby in your arms. Fears and doubts will be many. But surely, the best thing to do during the first few days at home with a newborn is to stay calm and enjoy this unique and special moment.

Although many say that a newborn baby only eats and sleeps, the first few days of motherhood are not easy. It is in fact necessary to meet the needs of the child while feeling tired and fighting against physical pain. The solution is not to worry and ask for help to be able to rest in the moments when the baby is asleep.

In addition, the first few days tend to revolutionize the habits of the whole family, which must adapt to the newcomer. Nonetheless, it is advisable to face this situation calmly and without fear. What will the days be like? How to deal with the new family member?

The first days at home with a newborn: adaptation begins

Even if the first few days at home with a newborn cause a great deal of restlessness in primiparas, don’t panic. It is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the baby who has to get used to the “outside” world: oxygen and food will no longer arrive via the umbilical cord and the protection of the uterus is lacking.

Relax! In addition to counting on the assistance of the family and the doctor, a mother has the best weapons to overcome this moment: instinct, affection and maternal sense. Below you will find important tips to follow during this period.

The feeding of the newborn

The baby’s stomach is still small, so it feeds little and often. Many ask for mother’s breast or bottle every two or three hours, others more frequently.

By holding the baby in your arms, it is easy to tell when he is hungry. It will make a few moans at first which will then turn into screaming or crying. Also, there are more subtle signs. He will start sucking his hands, moving his mouth as if to suckle or he will turn his head towards the breast.

Hiccups, burps and vomiting: are they normal?

Some babies often need help burping, others do it on their own or almost. It is about evaluating the behavior they have while eating. If they are restless or irritable, they may need to break free.

Also, if they have hiccups or vomit, don’t worry. It is completely normal and does not create any kind of problem. Also, don’t be alarmed when she has regurgitation or if she spits out some milk during or after feeding.

If you are vomiting excessively, arching backwards or crying (especially at night), it is likely reflux. It is very normal for this to happen in newborns and improves as the baby gains more control of the neck muscles.

First days at home with a newborn: a mother is breastfeeding.

The diaper

The diaper can be annoying and irritation. If the baby takes breast milk, he will pee at least five times a day. If he feeds on artificial milk he will do more, coming to dirty up to ten diapers a day.

Also, breastfed babies tend to defecate more often than formula-fed babies, because the timing of digestion is different. The frequency of evacuation of the child should be recorded, so that the doctor can be notified in case of need.

Keep in mind that the first stools are darker and firmer. With breastfeeding they may turn greenish, coffee or mustard colored and will be more lumpy. On the other hand, with artificial milk they will take on different colors and will be more pasty.

What should I do when she cries?

Your child will cry and it is impossible to avoid it, because that is how he expresses his discomfort or needs. However, in the first few days he will be calmer and sleep a lot.

After a few weeks, she will start crying more, about two hours a day. Over time, you may begin to understand the reasons for crying.

If this is your first child, you can always check if he is crying from a dirty diaper, from hunger, from tiredness or from feeling uncomfortable. If not due to these factors, he has probably been exposed to an excessive amount of stimuli.

The fragmented sleep of the newborn

Over the first few days, he will wake up very often to eat. Adding up all the naps, he will sleep an average of 16 to 18 hours a day.

Most babies feel more comfortable and protected in “small” places that resemble the mother’s womb, such as car seats, baby carriers, baby carriers and in arms. This is why babies like to be wrapped in shawls and blankets. These reproduce what their natural environment has been for 9 months and avoid sudden movements and unconditional reflexes.

The bath

You will surely have been told that the time for the first bath comes after the umbilical cord falls. However, at first you can wash the baby with a sponge. You can also use wet wipes to clean the small folds of the skin.

The last thing to clean is the diaper area. You can apply cream or petroleum jelly to soothe rashes and irritation (diaper rash). Also, don’t be alarmed if your skin flakes or has rashes, milky crusts, or dryness. They are completely normal.

It is essential to take care of the umbilical stump of the newborn and it must be cleaned at every diaper change. The navel should be covered with sterile gauze, but you need to check its appearance and keep it dry and clean.

Physical changes

After giving birth, your body will go through big changes. As your baby arrives, you will begin to produce milk after generating a liquid rich in antibodies, called “colostrum”. It has a more yellowish color than breast milk. Your breasts are also likely to feel heavier, firmer and fuller.

Breastfeeding does not only mean feeding your child, it also serves to create a unique bond with that creature you gave birth to. The first few days at home with a baby will give you time to  get your baby used to getting milk from both breasts.

Nipple care in the first days of motherhood deserves a separate chapter, as breastfeeding generates pain and sensitizes the area, which will begin to crack. To relieve this discomfort, apply pure lanolin or calendula creams. To moisten the nipples, you can also pour out some milk.

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