Childish Laziness: 6 Tips To Avoid It

Childhood laziness: 6 tips to avoid it

The following tips will help you deal with one of the most feared problems by parents: childhood laziness.

Childhood laziness is  one of the issues that worries parents most. It is an acquired habit in which the type of education that is given to children is fundamental. Please note that, as a parent, it is your responsibility to set time limits on the distractions your child can engage in.

To combat childhood laziness, you have to teach your child how important sacrifice is in getting something. You don’t have to make your child’s life as easy as possible, because this would only encourage him to become a lazy child.

Even if it is something temporary, there is no doubt that,  in children, lack of motivation is a constant. This attitude of theirs can be considered as something normal, as long as it is characterized by an open parent-child dialogue that does not involve disapproval or excessive concern.

Used to living with technology, children  are used to receiving everything without great sacrifices. This aspect can also be a problem. Technology tends to entertain children with ease and favors the emergence of childhood laziness.

Possible consequences

Childhood laziness can produce consequences such as:

  • Delay in learning.
  • Loss of regular work habits.
  • Disaffection with the  study.

6 tips to combat childhood laziness

To avoid this kind of behavior, we offer you some tips that will help you deal with some laziness on the part of your child:

1. Evaluate yourself

If you are lazy yourself, chances are you have slacker children. Evaluate your work ethic – the way you work will be exactly how your child learns to work.

Often, childhood laziness is caused by bad habits of parents

2. Work with them

The best way to teach your child to work is to do it with him. Teach them in a fun way how things are done and how to achieve their goals.

Show your child the importance of hard work –  a solid work ethic will benefit them throughout their life. It is important that you take the time to teach him how to work and that you help him carry out his plans.

3. Promote engagement

Commitment is a very valuable trait in an individual. When a child engages in something, be it a goal, a task or even a job, they are more likely to strive with more enthusiasm.

Lack of commitment is one of the first steps leading to listless or incomplete work, which, in turn, contributes to laziness.

4. Don’t give him everything he asks for

One of the most important lessons you can teach your child is that he  must strive to get things right. This means that, on many occasions, you have to give a “no” as an answer to many of the requests you will receive from the little one.

While saying no to your child is always difficult,  you shouldn’t meet their requests without a commitment or effort on their part to reach the goal. In some cases, a “no” will be the best answer. It will prevent the baby from relaxing and make him appreciate your sacrifices.

5. Assign tasks

Helping with housework is one of the best ways to teach your child the value of work, even at an early age. Your child needs to help with some household chores, such as making the bed or washing the dishes. If, as a parent, you do everything for them, you will deprive your child of the opportunity to learn some basic tasks.

6. Patience and prudence

In the face of your child’s lack of motivation, you need to be cautious and stay purposeful. If you see him sinking dangerously into the void without achieving any result, with caution, do not be afraid to offer him your help.

To overcome your child's laziness, you need to motivate him and support his interests


On the other hand, there are those who mistakenly think that children are slackers, even if, in some cases, it is a question of motivation. Introducing rewards and punishments into his work can have an effect on the child’s effort in the short term.

You have to take into account that often rewards cannot create long-term interests or goals.

What can you do to motivate your child?

  • Support his interests.
  • Convince him of the  need for work and sacrifice.
  • Encourage your child and  appreciate his results.
  • Reaffirm its strengths.
  • Give it  time.

As you can see, the secret lies in a correct education given from childhood. Infusing bad habits or making things too easy will only lead to the inability to sacrifice yourself to get what you want. To avoid this,  there is nothing better than your company and your advice.

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