How To Teach Children To Have A Positive Image Of Themselves

The family is the most important context for building a positive image of oneself. Parents offer their children a small reflection of who they are and condition their education. This is a big responsibility!
How to teach children to have a positive image of themselves

Did you know that your child’s self-image is partly conditioned by what you teach him? Yes, the importance of parents in forming their own self-concept is vital. Here’s how you can teach your children to have a positive self-image.

Every parent thinks their child is the most beautiful, the smartest, and the most capable. These affirmations are a little help in giving your baby confidence and love. In addition, it is important for parents that their children grow up knowing that they will accomplish everything they set out to do.

All these behaviors are part of a great process that will accompany our children for many years: the formation of the image of themselves.

Build a positive image of yourself

The image of oneself is constituted by the union of what we see and observe together with the reflection that others offer us of ourselves. That is, both the child himself and the environment around him will be in charge of sending information so that he can get an idea of ​​who he is.

Positive self-image.

The influence that parents have on the personal image of their children is such that they can create or not a stability in their self-esteem, key to the concept of self.

Up to 10-12 years, the closest environments to any child are family and school. Therefore, if in these environments we are able to encourage the formation of a positive image in our children:

  • They will become happier.
  • They will develop their skills.
  • They will be sure of themselves.
  • They will be able to take on their successes and failures.
  • They will have a greater ability to trust others and themselves.

If you think that helping your child in this regard is all about giving him compliments, here are some other tips that might help with this task.

Ways to teach children to have a positive image of themselves

  • Think of your son or daughter. Think about those features that make it unique and special. No one else in the world could be identical to him or her. Recognize its value as unique.
  • Be realistic. With him and with yourself. Try not to lie to him. Trust is very important. It consists of helping him see what he really is and what he is capable of doing.
  • Focus his attention on his strengths. Everyone has them. Why focus only on weaknesses? The skills we have will be the ones that will take us wherever we want to go.

Mom and daughter watch something on the tablet.

  • Offer him unconditional love. Your child deserves to be loved simply to be there and to be himself. When children sense that love is conditional, they carry this belief into their adulthood and all of their subsequent relationships.
  • Encourage his critical ability. Help him solve problems, without judging the time he needs. Offer him support and guide him in finding solutions. Solving things for him will make him insecure and in the future he will not consider himself able to deal with his problems.
  • Value its results. For your child, seeing the reaction his successes generate in you will be a powerful reinforcement for him. Make sure you recognize them.
  • Respect it. Being a child means being a person with their own characteristics. Respect their opinions, take an interest in their preferences and way of thinking, and show them that they are appreciated. You may not agree with him, but his opinion is important.
  • Listen to him. Teaching him that he has the right to express himself and be heard will help him when he has to express his opinion in a new and different environment than the family.


To teach your children to build a positive image of themselves, you need to love and respect them. This will strengthen their self-esteem and generate enough confidence in them to know that they can achieve what they set out to do, that they are as capable as others of doing things, and that, although they often forget it, they have qualities that make them unique. and unrepeatable.

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