10 Things To Do As A Couple During Pregnancy

If you are a parent soon, you will be interested to know that there are so many things to do as a couple during pregnancy. Discover them with us in this article
10 things to do as a couple during pregnancy

Not always the arrival of a child favors the union of wife and husband, indeed. Often what should be the fruit of their union distances the two partners even more. To avoid all this, today we will talk about a series of things to do as a couple during pregnancy. Despite the hormonal changes in the mother and sometimes also in the father, we will help you understand how to experience the arrival of the baby in a happy way.

Life changes drastically during pregnancy, this is quite obvious. However, there are still plenty of things to do as a couple that will fill some gaps. It must be borne in mind that, despite the changes underway, the life of the couple will continue to move forward. For example, it is essential that the partner always accompanies and supports the expectant mother.

Among the things to do as a couple, it is convenient to include some that serve to make the pregnant woman relax and have fun and relieve her of some responsibilities. As you know, one of the main needs of expectant mothers is rest. So let’s see how to do so that both parents contribute to a happy pregnancy.

The best things to do as a couple in pregnancy

1. Go to the doctors together

During the first few months of pregnancy, there are new activities that will become part of the daily and weekly routine. For example, childbirth preparation courses and medical consultations. These are, of course, among the main things to do as a couple. Remember that there may always be mood swings or nervousness: deal with everything with love and tranquility, always standing next to each other.

When both parents share the pregnancy, by getting informed and knowing every detail together, communication will improve and many conflicts will be avoided. Being close to your partner when he goes to the doctor or attends a prenatal course will increase the feeling of tranquility and confidence.

2. Talk to the child

Someone will think that it is completely useless or that the baby in your lap cannot hear you. On the contrary: talking to the child is very important. Mothers obviously also communicate through their body with the unborn child. But expressing what they think aloud has a completely different flavor.

If the couple takes the time to be together, in a relaxed and calm way, you can create very intimate moments of relaxation in which to talk to your child. Not all parents may be willing to do this, but it’s worth a try.

3. Plan your own outing

Walking is one of the things to do as a couple

While it is perfectly right to worry about mother’s health, at any cost, there are many things to do as a couple that are absolutely allowed. Most pregnant women can go to the beach, walk or get a massage. The important thing is to understand the importance of carving out time to devote to the couple, as it happened before pregnancy.

Plan a romantic dinner or a weekend trip. Remember that, as long as the doctor authorizes you, the mother will be able to travel for several months. Avoid overdoing the precautions and try to spend time together in a fun and active way.

Things to do as a couple when she is pregnant

4. Take great photos

The photographs taken during pregnancy are essential, because they will allow you to remember this happy event in the future. It is almost impossible to forget to make them and, thanks to new technologies, you can have fun creating, together, real albums. Month by month, you can capture the status and changes of your baby bump. In a few years, your child will be thrilled to browse these images.

Certainly the future mother and her baby bump will be the main protagonists. But don’t forget to take some photos together, because dad also deserves the right space. In addition, it is one of the easiest and most enjoyable things to do as a couple during pregnancy.

5. Treat yourself to a weekend in bed

There are mothers who continue to live normally until the day of delivery. But these tireless women also deserve some relaxation. A good idea, for example, might be to spend a whole weekend together in bed. At home or in a comfortable hotel, that’s up to you.

You can spend a weekend watching your favorite movies, hugging on the sofa, caressing and cuddling yourself while you doze. Without a doubt it is one of the sweetest things to do as a couple and that will help you strengthen your bond, reminding you of the essence of your union.

6. Go shopping together

Few boyfriends or husbands like to go shopping with their partner … But pregnancy is a dedicated time and, for once, making an effort will cost nothing. Plus, shopping can be a lot of fun. Just take it in the right spirit.

Visiting specialty stores for babies, toys or the latest news can be a fun way to spend an afternoon. You can even take advantage of the opportunity in your favor: many parents, with the excuse of giving their child a gift, buy something they have long wanted!

7. Do household chores as a couple

Every pregnant woman deserves help with housework. The time has come to roll up your sleeves and do your part, dear boys. There are things to do as a couple that can be a lot of fun indoors. For example, cook your favorite dishes together. Even tidying up or washing can become an opportunity to joke and have some sweet spite.

Baby bump with colored hands

8. Prepare the baby’s room

As it should be,  the parents furnish a new room that will serve to hold together everything the unborn child will need. Although it is an activity that requires a lot of “male” work, mothers will spend more time in this room.

Preparing and decorating your child’s bedroom is another of the things to do as a couple that we suggest you do. There are many things that will need to be decided, from colors, to furniture, to the type of tools and utensils you think you might need. Taking a few hours to tackle this small renovation together will be another opportunity to get together, browsing the offers on the Internet or visiting some furniture shop.

9. Celebrate the homecoming of mother and child

It is also a good idea to plan this important moment. Depending on the region, there are traditions that are worth respecting. Always plan everything together, so as to be sure that the new mother really has the desire, and the strength, to celebrate.

You will have to prepare the invitation cards, give him some favors and offer refreshments. This set of tasks requires an organization that you can complete well in advance. If, during pregnancy, you have free afternoons without knowing what to do, well you could dedicate them to this.

10. Stay together during childbirth

As you know, childbirth is a time that requires great support and trust. For several years now, husbands have also been able to enter the delivery room and be next to their partner. Even if it will be a very strong experience in some ways, it will be a great demonstration of love.

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