Playing Certain Pranks On Children Can Hurt Them

Children are not able to understand jokes like adults and some heavy or bad taste jokes can hurt them.
Playing certain pranks on children can hurt them

Children don’t take jokes like adults. In fact, they often don’t realize when something is said for fun or in earnest. A joke, even a heavy one, will never be perceived as something good for a child and often it is not even good for an adult … because when a joke is in bad taste it means that it is not well: it is an attack disguised as false smiles. And this is exactly what is perceived.

Because playing certain pranks on children can hurt them

Some typical jokes that are made to children can be the classic: “the black man will come and get you if you don’t sleep” or maybe things like: “if you don’t behave well your parents won’t come to get you anymore”.

Another could be: “the wolf ate your mother and will never come back”. To an adult they may seem like jokes because they know that these are things that cannot really happen, but to a child it is much more.

A joke of this kind made to a child who is not yet able to distinguish what is possible from what is not, who believes in the magic of his thoughts, is to make him believe that this can really happen … he does not perceive certain words as one joke but as real. Certain heavy jokes can do a lot of harm to a child, including making him fall into a state of pain over something said without any sense.

The innocence of small children

consequences of jokes on children

Many adults feel superior to children only for being older, for having more knowledge and a greater life experience which, however, does not allow them to understand the world from a different perspective from theirs. However, both adults and children deserve to be respected at all times. When certain bad jokes are made there is no respect for anyone.

There are adults who do not understand that we must respect children: they are people, like adults, indeed, they need more respect. They are people who are forming and they need both respect and help in this society. Children are growing up to become adults and the interaction they have with others is vital for them to develop with some emotional harmony.

Unfortunately, there are adults who behave in ways that show their supremacy just to be older. With certain attitudes they show the little ones that if they want they can take away the things they have, harm them, that their rules are the only ones that are valid without having the slightest consideration of the other’s feelings … they only show a false power.

It is a false power, where they manipulate children like puppets. They can make them cry when they feel like it to make them sad so they can “learn” or equally make them happy when they think it’s right. As for tacky jokes, they show the false power of children to laugh, but not with them. This can cause a deep wound in the little ones.

Improve communication between adults and children

communication between adults and children

It is possible that adult pranks made to children occur when the adult is unable to teach or guide a child correctly due to lack of communication. On some occasions, adults think that certain behaviors are okay only because they have suffered them as a child … However, before doing this it is better to reflect and think about how you may feel at certain times.

It is very important to work on communication skills to teach children good skills and values. So they can realize that certain jokes do not help good communication, neither for children nor for adults … nor for anyone. Just show love, play with them, have fun together.

In a way it would be enough just to think about how it makes a bad joke feel when an adult does it to another adult. They are never perceived well because they can be passive aggressive attacks that disturb and break communication between people. When it comes to a joke played on a child, the result is the same: the child ends up suffering and the adult will lose the respect of the child.

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