Why You Shouldn’t Do Your Homework For Your Children

Many parents succumb to the temptation to do homework for their children. But that way they don’t help them at all.
Because you don't have to do your homework for your children

Doing homework for children does not help them increase their work capacity and discipline. On the contrary, it prevents them from learning anything new. In this article, we tell you why you shouldn’t do your homework for your children. Read on!

Homework is part of learning

Doing homework is a child’s job and responsibility. Parents also play a role, which is to support the children in the fulfillment of their tasks and above all to resolve all their doubts. This doesn’t mean doing your homework for them.

-Seymour Papert-

Parents can help their children a lot with their homework, making them a top priority and helping them develop good study habits.

Homework reinforces classroom learning, plus:

  • They help create study habits.
  • They promote daily improvement.
  • They work on self-discipline.
  • They strengthen concentration.
  • They teach you to face small daily challenges.
  • They encourage you to read and follow instructions independently.
  • They teach how to distribute and manage time.
  • They help develop a sense of responsibility.
  • They convey a work ethic.
  • They generate satisfaction for the work done.
  • They exercise memory.

Child doing homework.

Because you don’t have to do your homework for your children

Doing homework for children is one of the most common mistakes. Parents inevitably get involved in their children’s education, sharing time together for homework. However, being present doesn’t mean doing their homework for them.

There are many ways to guide your children towards the solution of an arithmetic problem, for example, but nothing more. Children who get used to the fact that their parents do their homework will feel more and more insecure and will think that they are unable to do things on their own. As a result, they will have more and more doubts, will ask for more and more help, and it will be more difficult for them to carry out their duties.

Parents shouldn’t do their children’s homework. This is because they won’t learn anything if they don’t think for themselves and if we don’t let them make mistakes. Also, in school the teacher will realize that the work was not done by the child.

Parents and children doing homework.

Tips for doing homework with your children

  • First, understand that it is a reinforcement for learning.
  • It is an opportunity to learn to work independently.
  • Don’t put pressure on the baby.
  • Use them to strengthen self-esteem.
  • Establish a routine. To do your homework, you need to set a time of day to do it. We advise you to set a certain time and to respect it.
  • Encourage its autonomy.
  • Accompany the child while doing the activity.
  • Use positive reinforcement.
  • Create a space for homework.
  • Review assignments together.
  • Always talk about homework in a positive way.

Homework and neuroscience

The brain is designed to learn and have a routine. For this reason, curiosity and novelty are the brain’s great allies in learning.

Humans learn by imitation and by repetition. In fact, even newborns are able to imitate the gestures of their parents. When a child is learning a new skill, he repeats it until he can put it into practice.

Even at school it is necessary to repeat, practice what has been learned to consolidate learning. The brain also needs rest and time to analyze and process the information it receives and to consolidate new concepts and skills.

Furthermore, the immature brain, such as that of children, needs guidance to help them analyze this information. The brain is designed to learn, but it needs help to learn well. For this the brain needs to organize, sequence and repeat learning processes. The best way to learn is to repeat concepts over and over until they are memorized.

School learning must aim at achieving full personal development. It helps to train children who as adults will give life to new knowledge, thus enriching the society to which they belong.

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