How To Instill The Pleasure Of Reading In Children

How to instill the pleasure of reading in children

Reading means entering a different world, abandoning your own or suspending it for a while, and becoming a spectator of that fiction and wonder that speaks to us of other people, but also of ourselves. Infusing children with the pleasure of reading is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children.

Reading forms empathic, sensitive, independent children with strong, personal opinions,  making them adults and more tolerant of diversity  and the long periods of loneliness they may go through in their lifetime.

Reading nourishes our essence. After reading the last page of a good book,  we return to our reality with a cultural background and a vision of the world that is comparable only to the pleasure of traveling.

Reading should not be taught as if it were a duty or an obligation. Reading is a game in which the imagination, the great protagonist, is activated and invites all the senses we are endowed with to participate.

Parents who love to read will certainly know what we are talking about.

How to instill the pleasure of reading in children

Reading a book has the power to transform us

Start early

You will be more successful in achieving this goal if you get your child to first meet a book as soon as possible. If you instill the pleasure of reading in a child from an early age, it is very likely that they will get used to books  and their use without much effort.

Introduce him to the world of reading through these small exploration books for sale in bookstores, in which the first stories or the first sounds are shown to the baby. Listen to simple audio books with children’s stories with them and end the day with a short story.

In other words,  adopt practices to bond through the use of books.

Teach by example

If you are a reading-loving mother or father, you have already done half the work. The child will learn to love books almost by osmosis, and will make reading one of his pleasures. The fact is,  there is nothing more effective than the example that parents can set for their children through their actions.

A home library, where the child can choose the narratives he prefers, will be a great incentive.

To instill the pleasure of reading in children, it is good to start at an early age

Don’t force him and don’t put pressure on him

As has already been said at the beginning of this article,  reading is above all a playful activity that stimulates the senses and the imagination. Avoid enforcing the reading as if it were an obligation or requirement necessary for the child to receive your approval. This will only instill in your child the rejection of reading.

When, for some reason, the child does not want to face or continue reading a book, do not insist.

Reward your achievements by giving away books

Reward the results achieved in school or in sport through the gift of a book or a game related to reading, such as the Scarabeo.

If your child has already reached adolescence, you will already know that he will enjoy the fantasy sagas. A nice book pack among his favorites will always be a nice Christmas present.

An electronic device for reading e-books is also a great choice for special occasions.

Discuss the reading

As well as conversing about music, film, and other interests you have in common, you can also have a book exchange with your child. In this article, you will find out which are the  5 books for children to read before the age of 6.

Moms and dads, have the courage to read the things that attract him, based on his age. It is also  a great way to establish intellectual complicity with your child and get to know him better.

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