2 Recipes For Iron Intake During Pregnancy

Iron intake during pregnancy is very important for your health and that of your baby. We offer you two good recipes that are easy to prepare
2 recipes for iron intake in pregnancy

Iron in pregnancy plays an essential role in the body. Among its many functions, iron contributes to the body’s development, metabolism and oxygen transport to cells. 

If we add to its importance for health the increased need for  iron during pregnancy , it is logical to think that at this stage every woman should take more than usual, both for her well-being and for that of the fetus.

During pregnancy, women should eat in a balanced way, but above all include recipes designed specifically for them in their menu. Therefore, in this article we propose 2 delicious and nutritious dishes designed to consume iron in pregnancy to ensure the level of iron in the blood, protect yourself from iron deficiency anemia (anemia due to lack of iron) and ensure that the baby receives this important mineral for healthy growth while it is forming in your womb.

Usually during pregnancy, women get a little bit of stomach acid from time to time, but this shouldn’t deprive them of some pleasant ingredients like  apple cider vinegar – an ingredient in many recipes.

Also based on this, the 2 recipes that we propose give you the opportunity to eat with vinegar (in small quantities) without hurting you or increasing the acidity.

2 recipes for taking iron during pregnancy

Sardines in apple cider vinegar

Fish is one of the foods that contains the most iron.  With this in mind, we have decided to offer you this recipe with sardines, easy to prepare and delicious on the palate. It has very few ingredients and, to make it, constant attention is not required as happens with other recipes.


5 sliced ​​sardines

1 cup of oil (about the size of a cup of coffee)

1 cup of apple cider vinegar (about the size of a cup of coffee)

Salt to taste

1 medium onion, sliced


Wash the sardine slices and put them in a pressure cooker. Add the oil, vinegar and salt to taste. Then apply pressure to the pot and let the sardines cook for 45 minutes.

Once the time has passed, remove  pressure from the pot. Serve the sardines in a dish with the remaining vinegar and oil and add the onion slices to garnish and flavor the recipe.

Prepare suitable recipes

Beans salad

Beans provide various nutrients to the body and provide a lot of iron in pregnancy.

Ingredients for the bean salad:

2 cups of black beans

2 medium onions

10 cloves of garlic

Salt to taste

3 or 4 sprigs of cilantro

1 pinch of ground cumin

4 tablespoons of oil

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

Cooking the beans

To make the bean salad, you first need to cook the beans. In a pressure cooker, cook the beans for 50 minutes with plenty of water. To prevent the beans from drying out, we advise you to fill the pot with water up to the top, at the level of the mark.

After 50 minutes you need to remove pressure from the pot and check that the grains, if crushed, become like cream. If still not the case, give the pot a little more pressure.

Once the beans are ready, season them.

Salad dressing

Crush the garlic and onion cloves and pour them into the pot. Then, add 2 tablespoons of oil and a little more water if there is hardly any broth left in the pot. Leave the pot uncovered and put it on the stove so that the beans begin to boil. As the water evaporates, the beans may require a little more water.

After 20 minutes check that the salt is fine and remove the pan from the heat. Now it will be time to add the coriander branches and also the cumin. Put the lid on the pot and let the aromatic herbs work.

When the beans become lukewarm, use a colander and separate the broth from the beans.

You can drink the broth. Its flavor is delicious especially when combined with other foods such as rice, which is also nutritious and rich in iron.

Put the grains in another container and with these you will elaborate the salad. Take an onion, cut it into slices and place it on the plate. Then add 2 tablespoons of oil.

If you don’t suffer from stomach acid, add a tablespoon of vinegar, otherwise only half. Mix the salad well and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

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