How To Use Air Conditioning When You Have A Baby

With a baby at home, the use of air conditioning must include some precautions. Here’s how you can protect your baby’s health during the summer.
How to use the air conditioning when you have a baby

Air conditioning is not the enemy of babies. Of course you can use it, but you need to take some precautions, because sudden changes in temperature can damage the health of premature babies and babies in general, who are still adjusting to life outside the womb. Here are some tips on how to use air conditioning when you have a baby.

The best way to use the air conditioning when a baby is in the house is to regulate the room temperature to around 22 degrees Celsius. This is the ideal temperature that a recently born baby should be subjected to, whether premature or not.

It is important that the bedroom or the environment in which the baby is located is not too cold or too hot, because temperatures that are far from the ideal one can cause discomfort in him, causing irritation of his skin or making him wake up with a sense of discomfort if he is asleep.

Although the ideal temperature for babies is 22 degrees Celsius, a regulated environment between 21 and 24 degrees during the day and between 19 and 21 degrees at night is suitable for their needs, as he recommends in one of his articles. the pediatrician Florencio de Santiago. The latter also advises mothers to measure the humidity of the environment, to expose the baby to a level between 30 and 50% humidity.

The specialist warns that, to check these parameters, it is necessary to keep a thermometer and a hygrometer in the house. It also emphasizes the importance of good ventilation in the home.

using air conditioning is useful for safeguarding the baby's comfort and health

Some tips for using the air conditioning in the presence of the baby

  • In addition to remembering that the ideal temperature of the environment corresponds to 22 degrees Celsius, it is advisable to avoid subjecting the child to sudden changes in temperature, because in this way we could weaken his immune system.
  • It is necessary that the temperature difference between the interior of the house, the car and the street is not very large. Which means there must be no more than 10 degrees centigrade difference.
  • It is equally important that the air flow emitted by the air conditioner is not directed directly towards the baby, who should only receive this rebound air.
  • Another good strategy is to cool the bedroom before putting the baby to sleep and turn off the system during the night. Make sure, however, that the house is well ventilated.
  • If it is very hot and you want to prevent your baby from feeling uncomfortable and irritated, and even suffering from rashes and itching on the skin, it is preferable that you turn on the air conditioning and cover the baby a little at night. he will feel better in a pleasant environment, rather than in a particularly warm one, as is usually the weather during the summer.
  • It is recommended that you always have a blanket in which to wrap your baby close at hand. This is especially useful when the child is in a place where the air conditioning temperature is too cold for him.

Attention and cleanliness

Using the air conditioning with a baby requires the use of certain precautions

Even if you have an air conditioning device available, it is essential that all rooms in the house receive sufficient natural ventilation every day.

Furthermore, it is essential that you pay close attention to the condition of the air conditioning filters, which tend to accumulate microorganisms, dust and mites, which are dangerous for the baby’s health. To avoid these dangers, the ideal is to keep the air filters and, in general, the cooling system clean.

Likewise, it is highly recommended to regulate the temperature of the whole house. Consequently, it is preferable to use integral or single air conditioning systems, but which are installed on the ceilings or walls. This choice is always better than using fans or mobile air conditioning devices.

The installation of different air conditioning devices in the house allows to keep the room temperature much more homogeneous. In this way, it is possible to avoid sudden changes in temperature for the baby, which, as previously reported, can be very harmful to the baby’s health.

Pediatricians also recommend using a cold air humidifier, which will help regulate the humidity in the room. The latter, in fact, is often eliminated by the use of air conditioning, with the possibility of dryness in the baby’s mucous membranes.

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