Watch Out For The Use Of Hair Bands On Baby Girls!

Are baby hair bands harmful? It depends. The advice we give you is to observe your daughter when you use them.
Watch out for the use of hair bands on baby girls!

Using hair bands in newborn girls can be dangerous. Just as you may have understood, these cute accessories can cause discomfort in your little one.  

So, whether it’s a trend or not, before putting these baby hair bands on your daughter’s head , find out about the damage they could cause.

How to know if hair bands are bad?

To know if the colored headbands you put on your daughter’s head are causing her any harm, you simply have to observe her behavior.

If when you put it on, she cries and gets stubborn about wanting to take it off, at the very least it’s bothering her. But childhood must be a pleasant time, in all respects.

Another way to know if wearing headbands or headbands is harming your daughter is to observe her in bed. If you  notice that she is not sleeping peacefully, wakes up with a start or cannot fall asleep easily after using the sling for a long time, then it means that using this accessory is damaging her.

Can wearing hair bands hurt my daughter?

Finally, it is important to point out that the bones of the skull must be free from any kind of pressure.

The skull, in fact, is made up of seven bones joined together by so-called sutures: soft joints covered with membranes that make it possible for the skull to develop as the size of the brain increases.

Alternatives to hair bands

There are also other children’s fashion accessories that mothers choose as an alternative to headbands. That is, rubber bands, flowers, butterflies and many other subjects supported by clips or clips, which grip the baby girls’ hair.

Well, these accessories, even if apparently they seem more suitable for embellishing the head of the girls since they do not involve the risk of the skull being crushed, they are a bit dangerous.

In fact, girls who have already developed psychomotor skills and are able to grab objects and bring them to their mouths. In a moment of distraction they could take them off, put them in their mouths and swallow them.

That’s why before replacing hair bands with these other hair clips, you need to keep in mind what we just finished saying.

So, should I never use headbands for my daughter?

Using headbands and headbands can hurt my daughter

The decision is up to you, as with everything about your little girl. If you ever decide to put accessories in her hair, we recommend that you read the following recommendations first:

  • Choose bands that are soft and have a minimal amount of stretch material. It is better for the sling to fall off your daughter’s head all the time and for you to spend all the time putting it back on, rather than putting one on that does not take off despite the little girl’s best efforts to take it off. The headbands that do not slip easily are very elastic and tend to tighten the child’s head too much.
  • Use other types of small accessories (hair clips, rubber bands, butterflies, etc.), at least until your daughter is able to grab them or pull her “hair”. However, as long as you use these accessories, you never lose sight of your little girl, however small she is.
  • Use hair accessories on your daughter’s head only at certain times. For example when you leave the house. Avoid making them wear them all the time: they are not essential.
  • Be cautious. Evaluate the pros and cons of using headbands. However, the decision is up to you, as mothers and main responsible for the baby. Of course, some specialists recommend using these accessories only after 6 months of life. For this reason, before deciding, consult the specialist. Talk to your pediatrician.

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