A Short Film To Learn To Trust Children’s Initiative

This beautiful short film teaches us that even children can achieve things if we trust them.
A short film to learn to trust children's initiative

“A cloudy lesson” is a wonderful short film that teaches us something very precious: there is no single way of doing things. Surprising things can also come from mistakes, and even children can achieve amazing results if you trust their abilities and let them take the initiative. Let’s see this short together to learn to trust the children’s initiative.

Watching “A cloudy lesson” is very simple, playful and instructive. We invite you to discover it together with your children, no matter how old they are. The visual message, the magic contained in the short and the captivating narrative will instantly capture your child and make him immediately identify with the little protagonist.

It is a story full of positive values ​​whose teachings go far beyond the perspective in which your child wants to try and experiment. “A cloudy lesson” also hides a series of messages that mothers, fathers and educators cannot ignore. We invite you to discover a short film to learn to trust the initiative of children.

The importance of trusting children’s initiative

Maria Montessori stated that parents have the obligation to offer their children a “ray of light” for later and therefore follow their path. Parents must be architects, allies, magicians and consultants of their education, but never agents always present, authoritarian, severe and obsessive. In fact, the risk of monitoring every movement of one’s children is to reduce their spontaneity and instill insecurities and fears.

Children should know that you trust them, that they are loved and appreciated to the point that they have enough strength to make decisions, to do things for themselves and, why not, to dare. Because there is nothing better than an environment that facilitates the awakening of the child’s mind, which makes him feel free and capable of creating clouds in the form of stars, like the protagonist of “A cloudy lesson” .

A cloudy lesson, short film for children


No words are needed in this short. The narration is perfect, it captures instantly and manages to amaze the viewer.

“A cloudy lesson“ is a short film for children made in 2010 by director Yezi Xue and produced by the Ringling College of Art Design. The argument is simple: a grandfather and his grandson enjoy the afternoon by creating clouds with a curious device.

The grandfather teaches his grandson how to make clouds, through a very special tool that requires a little experience. When he entrusts it to his grandson, he initially fails to create perfect clouds, large and soft like those of his grandfather.

However, the little one manages to improve in a very original way. Grandfather helps him at all times to do what he thinks and wishes and sometimes acts as a patient observer or as a kind co-worker. The result of this collaboration is magical.

Mistakes can lead to great things

Another teaching of this short is that we all make mistakes, no one is perfect, on the contrary: in life no one learns without making mistakes several times. For this reason, it is very important to leave children free to make mistakes. From disappointment, they will learn to resist frustration and combine will and trust to try until they succeed.

Frame a cloudy lesson

This is how a child develops his talent, because beyond what many might think, we all have great abilities, we are all creative and we have our potential. However, favorable conditions must be met for this inner creativity and that exceptional strength that children carry within can explode. So, it is important to encourage them and help them overcome trust.

Learning to trust children’s initiative means letting them fail from time to time, as this helps them grow, take responsibility and feel capable of great things.

The importance of teamwork

Few bonds are as special as those between grandparents and grandchildren: there is trust, understanding, love and respect, which always give life to the best stories.

Short a cloudy lesson, to learn to trust children's initiative

The short film “A cloudy lesson” also highlights the contrast between the traditional way of doing things and the innovation that the new generations usually bring. In this story we can see the grandfather making clouds in the usual way, with that instrument that he surely inherited from his father or grandfather.

Yet the grandfather, who has learned to trust the children’s initiative, decides to entrust the instrument to his grandson. After making several mistakes, he decides to try something new: he decides to innovate. The grandfather does not hesitate to help him, thus creating the magic of collaboration and trust, from which wonderful things can emerge, such as clouds in the form of stars or animals.

We are undoubtedly facing a very special short film. We invite you to share it with your children, so that together you too can create truly magical things.

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