How To Teach Your Child To Be Generous?

How to teach your child to be generous?

Every child must be educated in values ​​from an early age. Teaching your child to be generous is important for him to have noble attitudes and an unselfish character, able to share the little or much he has with others, for the simple purpose of making them happy.

In general, when children are small, they believe that everything belongs to them and no one else, or even get angry if someone dares to touch the objects they consider themselves to own. It is absolutely normal that they struggle to share and understand that everything is not theirs, as they put themselves first.

Therefore, teaching children the value of generosity is the responsibility of parents and teachers. So, how to teach the child to be generous? Read this article to find out how!

What to do to teach him to be generous?

  • Teach by example, show generosity. This is one of the most effective ways to teach your child to be generous. The important thing is to frequently use the word “share”, trying to leave a mark: “Your chocolate is finished, wait for me to give you a piece of mine”, “I’m watering the plants, we share the watering can, so you help me “.


  • Explain to him the needs and wishes of others. How to teach him to be generous? Simple, teach him not to be selfish and to understand that the world does not revolve around him. The advice regarding this question is to suggest, in a subtle way, to become aware of the needs of other people.
  • Express your disappointment with selfishness. Maintain a firm and firm stance, but do not be overly harsh in reproaching, as this is the only way to teach your child the value of generosity for the family.
  • Explain that this is temporary. Make it clear that he can safely allow a friend to play with his toy, as he will soon be able to get it back.
  • Allow his friends to teach him to be generous. Let them resolve the conflict over the toys themselves, because soon children will learn to agree, realizing that their selfish attitude discourages their playmates, and so they will learn to give in, to wait their turn and to put themselves in place. of the others.
  • Understand it and don’t criticize it. It is important to listen to children’s feelings – tell them you understand, but explain the value of being generous. Remember that children must learn to share, but not out of obligation or imposition, so don’t make the mistake of criticizing him for not doing it. Avoid recriminations, labels and unpleasant phrases such as “you are bad”, “how selfish you are”.


    • Emphasize the benefits of being generous. Explain that if he shares his toys, he will enjoy them too, because his friends will lend him theirs. You will immediately see how easily he will start lending some things.
    • Show him your pride in his generosity. Show your joy when he shares, tell him how happy this great gesture makes you. You can use phrases that encourage him to repeat his behavior, such as “I am very proud of you for sharing that toy car with your friend”, “See how you make your friend happy by lending her your doll, you are a very good child” . Praise must never be lacking for every little big gesture of your child, because he will feel very happy and, consequently, will do it naturally. There is no better way to promote these positive attitudes.
    • Reinforce the teaching of values ​​with children’s literature. Using fairy tales and stories about the topic is a good strategy for teaching your child to be generous. In fact, there are several children’s stories that refer to generosity and that can help us educate the child about values.

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