The Best Positions To Sleep Well During Pregnancy

The best positions for good sleep during pregnancy

Almost all pregnant women suffer from sleep problems. This happens especially from the third trimester of the baby’s gestation. Due to the weight that has reached the belly, it may be difficult to find comfortable positions to sleep well.

Difficulty sleeping during pregnancy manifests itself differently. There are those who suddenly begin to suffer from insomnia; other women have difficulty finding a comfortable position and some become unable to have prolonged rest but can only sleep for short periods of time.

To all this we must add the constant movements of the fetus and the increase in abdominal volume, which limits the range of positions to be able to sleep well. Some doctors claim that there is no general advice on the best positions, because every body finds its natural way to sleep.

However, it should be noted that  some positions are more troublesome and risky than others for the mother and baby. Sleeping on your stomach in a very advanced state of pregnancy causes the uterus to rest on the spine, intestines and inferior vena cava, the vein that carries all the blood from the lower half of the body to the heart.

All this causes pain in the pelvis, a much slower digestion, greater predisposition to hemorrhoids and a drop in blood pressure with respiratory problems, tachycardia and palpitations. All this just for sleeping on your stomach!

If you are used to sleeping on your stomach or on your stomach, it is advisable to try to completely change your habits. You may start sleeping on one side or the other, whether it’s your right or left side. This will benefit you as well as the baby. Also, putting a pillow between your knees can help you feel more comfortable.

Recommended positions for good sleep during pregnancy

Pregnant woman smiles together with her husband

One of the most recommended positions by specialists is to rest on the left side. The reason is that the liver is located on the right side of the abdomen, therefore, by sleeping on the left side, you will prevent the uterus from resting on this organ.

Also, another aspect that makes this position even more beneficial is that the great vessels of the body are located on the right side of the spine. In this way they compress less, avoiding, for example, edema. It also promotes blood supply to the placenta, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the baby and helping to reduce swelling of your feet.

On her side with a pillow between her legs

This will keep your spine erect and avoid placing the weight of one leg on top of the other. On the other hand, you can use long pillows that allow you to also rest your stomach on them, in order to feel greater security.

With your feet raised

If you suffer from poor circulation, have swollen ankles or legs and the sensation of feeling as big as a balloon, you could try sleeping with your legs up, resting on pillows. This will help you get the circulation flowing and you can prevent varicose veins and even tingling and cramps.

Semi-sitting position

Pregnant woman sleeps on her side

In case you have stomach problems, reflux or something you ate has not done you well, one of the positions that are most recommended in these situations is to get semi-sitting with the help of pillows or cushions as support. The aim is always to feel comfortable by promoting good blood circulation in the first place.

While it is difficult to stay in the same position all night, it is very important to avoid sleeping on your stomach. In this position, in fact, the weight of your uterus rests on the spine, on the intestine (small and large), on the main vessels and on the muscles of the back. It could therefore cause you muscle pain, hemorrhoids, and problems with your and baby’s circulation.

Another contraindication of this position  while you sleep is that it can decrease blood pressure, which can cause nausea and dizziness. There are cases of mothers whose blood pressure has dropped considerably while sleeping on their stomachs.

Last, but not least, this position can cause you to snore and suffer from sleep apnea; for this, and even if it costs you a lot to change the position in which you sleep, it is advisable not to sleep on your stomach but to look for another position that is comfortable for you during the course of pregnancy.

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