Infusions You Can Take If You Are Pregnant

Being pregnant is not necessarily a synonym for deprivation. If you like infusions, we will talk about some types that you can take during this phase, with the consent of your doctor.
Infusions that you can take if you are pregnant

Drinking herbal and plant-based tea or hot drinks has always been considered beneficial for health. During the period of pregnancy, when you tend to feel certain discomfort related to this phase, surely being able to consume a warm and comforting drink would be ideal. Now, the main question regarding this aspect is which teas you can take if you are pregnant.

We want to start with the fact that anything you take during pregnancy must be approved by your doctor, without exception. For this reason, in this informative article we will list the drinks, and in particular the  herbal teas , which according to nutritionists do not affect your health; however, before starting to prepare them, consult a specialist again.

First considerations

There are several varieties of infusions that bring health benefits and are for daily consumption. The problem with taking these drinks during pregnancy is that, even if they can be consumed, the frequency of consumption should not be the same.

However, just as there are varieties of plants suitable to be consumed during the time of gestation, many infusions can be negative because of their laxative, abortive effects, on blood pressure or because they are powerful stimulants.

Examples of this are black tea, green tea or tea with coca leaves, which is very common in some South American countries. We will then begin to identify which drinks are strictly prohibited.

Infusions prohibited during pregnancy

The plants that we will list below are absolutely forbidden if you are pregnant. In fact, taking them sporadically does not diminish their effects on your body and that of your baby. Pay attention and eliminate them from your pantry for some time.

  • Rhubarb: causes uterine contractions and can induce abortion.
  • Sabila (aloe vera) and ginseng: they have diuretic effects that can cause you diarrhea and, consequently, dehydration.
  • Licorice root: its effects cause a rise in blood pressure.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: can cause heart problems in the baby and gastrointestinal problems in the mother.
  • Eucalyptus: induces vomiting and diarrhea; it should not be taken even when breastfeeding the baby.
  • Boldo: it is considered an abortive plant.

Among the forbidden plants, there are also these: poleggio mint, sage, rosemary, valerian, fennel, centella asiatica, juniper, celery and verbena.


Infusions that you can take when pregnant

It is possible that this list of prohibited teas has left you a bit sore, as many of the most popular teas appear to you. Despite that, here we bring you the good news with these delicious and healthy options:

1. Rooibos tea

This infusion is beneficial for its excellent knowledge and because it belongs to the legume family. For this reason, it does not have the tannins that hinder the absorption of iron and that are present in other teas.

2. Infusion of jasmine

Its aroma gives an immediate calming effect. Likewise, its properties help relieve several common annoyances during pregnancy.

3. Infusion of lemon

It is delicious and helps relieve stomach discomfort. Furthermore, it is very simple to prepare and adding honey becomes irresistible.

4. Thyme

This aromatic herb provides the body with many vitamins; it is an excellent source of antioxidants, iron, manganese and calcium.

5. Infusion of nettle

It brings many essential nutrients to the body. Its benefits are reflected in the liver and central nervous system; it has an action on uterine tone, increases hemoglobin and activates the metabolism.

6. Infusion of ginger

It is ideal for fighting nausea during pregnancy and, at the same time, it fights many respiratory and oral-pharyngeal infections. The advantage of ginger is that, like other spices used in cooking, it does not cause any harm to pregnancy.


7. Infusion of raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaf infusion is very popular among pregnant women, as it tones the uterine muscles and thus helps prevent miscarriages. In addition, it provides iron, phosphorus, potassium and various important vitamins such as C, E and B vitamins.

Finally, we want to reinforce the concept that if you want to take infusions during pregnancy, the best thing is to consult with your gynecologist, because only he knows your medical history. With these data, it will indicate whether some type of infusion could harm you, depending on your state of health, your history of diseases or the time of gestation in which you are, even if this is not among the dangerous ones.

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