Check Your Children’s Social Networks: Yes Or No?

Nowadays, social networks cannot be missing in the life of a teenager. However, it is necessary to verify its correct use by the younger ones.
Check your children's social networks: yes or no?

Social networks are part of our children’s lives and are especially important during adolescence. Although they belong to the digital world, however, it does not mean that they are free from dangers. The children share their experience in these online platforms to the extent they deem appropriate, so it is not a question of controlling their children’s social networks, but rather the use they make of them. 

Like correspondence, diaries or text messages, social networks are used for the purpose of expressing oneself. Kids will see them as private land, which is why communication will be the key element that will determine how children and parents control social networks.

How can social networks be controlled?

This aspect varies according to the knowledge on social networks and if the children share their experience and their doubts about them.

If children see that parents respect their privacy in social networks, they will maintain a smooth communication about their use. Thanks to this teamwork, it will be possible to control, as far as possible, the following aspects.


The first steps in social networks are talking and sharing content with friends and acquaintances. This circle, however, tends to increase gradually and friends of friends, other users with numerous followers and complete strangers appear.

Some teens also make the mistake of competing for the most leads. Solution: Just as your children don’t let anyone who greets them on the street come into their lives, they shouldn’t accept friend requests from all strangers who want to have access to their circle.

Little girl with smartphone


Information, photos, videos, tastes or positions are only part of the content disseminated on social networks. Just a click or a like is enough for them to spread like wildfire and have much more repercussion than expected.

Remind your children that if one of their followers echoes their content, that person’s contacts may also show up and so on. Solution: Having private profiles can restrict the distribution of content to only your followers and friends. 


Teenagers use social networks to have fun and have a nice time with their friends. However, as in a face-to-face conversation, they may run into wonderful or toxic people and need to be able to react.

The solution to this problem can be to report and denounce possible toxic, offensive or harassing situations on the platforms they browse.


Social networks are a tool that young people use to communicate and it is possible to control some aspects, such as the time dedicated, respect and verify that it is only an additional tool in their social relationships.

Confirming that social networks are only one of your children’s interests will prevent them from becoming isolated and will help them find other sporting and recreational activities that can motivate them. 

Risks of social networks

In the article From ICT to ICRT , scholars state that “there is a gap between adults and adolescents in the use of information and communication technologies”, as well as social networks, which is why this is the first risk of to take into account.

In general, the new generations have greater technological dominance and the problem lies in how to control something that is ignored. This ignorance can only be remedied with clear and precise information that brings the two sides closer together.

Nowadays, workshops are frequently organized for parents and adolescent children to learn how to use social networks and to make them aware of the risks that derive from them. These include cyberbullying and addiction.

Social network

Responsible use of social networks

Educating children to use social networks responsibly, informing them about the risks and maintaining conversations with them about the digital world in which they move will make their online experience more positive.

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