Make Your Home A Love Nest

Make your home a love nest

Make your home a love nest by building step by step a warm refuge where your child can grow both physically and emotionally.

The love nest you build for your child will need to be strong enough to last an internal life, and warm enough to maintain its temperature over time.

Build a harmonious, safe and pleasant home. To do this, all you need is the support of the whole family.

In this article we want to offer you some tips on this topic.

Make your home a play paradise

The child’s psychomotor development is encouraged through daily play.

When a child plays, he takes a toy with his hands, observes it carefully, turns it over, puts it back on the ground, picks it up again… this simple sequence of movements stimulates his motor skills and develops his brain.

When we play with our child we not only give him security, affection and support, but also offer him precious time in which he will have the opportunity to put into practice one of the things he does best: imitate us, to learn how we humans behave. .

For the small child, it is necessary to provide toys and a space where he can play. This also means loving him and making our home a refuge of love.

Make your home a safe place

Providing the child with a safe environment and adapting the habits of each member of the family according to the needs of the new creature will certainly be a novelty for any mother.

With the birth of a newborn, the decoration of the house will also have to change. If before his arrival all the tables were low and made of crystal, or if there were not a few ceramic ornaments above them, all this will have to be replaced.

Cleaning products and hazardous substances must remain in a safe place.

Sharp objects must be moved in the same way: scissors, knives, awls, etc …

Stairs, windows and doors to the outside must be blocked. And anything that can be a potential danger to the child will have to find a new home.

From the moment the child is born, the family will have to adjust their life. Because, sooner than later, the peanut that sleeps in the crib will begin to make its own comforts for the whole house.

Offering them a safe environment at all times means making your home a love nest.

Make your home a learning space

Make your home a love nest

When a child is born he needs his parents, or the adults he lives with, to participate actively in his learning.

“Nobody is born learned”, so they usually say. And since none of us came into the world already knowing how to do everything, we know that from the first moment we need the guidance of our best guardians: our parents.

Human beings need to be taught almost everything. If other animals, as soon as they are born, immediately go to the mother to eat, for us even satisfying a need of such vital importance becomes a more complicated thing.

As infants grow up, and their parents intervene in their learning, they crawl, stand up, walk, talk, run …

Through songs, children’s stories and all the time we dedicate to them, our children learn.

To watch over his development in general and to guarantee him correct learning is to love him.

Create a love nest for your children

Make your home a love nest

At all times we have tried to make you understand that making your home a love nest means satisfying your child’s vital needs, offering him a safe environment, giving him love, looking after him, helping him learn and sharing time with him.

A newborn needs all our dedication to grow up healthy and happy. When you became a parent, you learned it.

That said, your child won’t always be that little baby who barely talks. Gradually he will grow and continue to need your supervision and understanding to become the man or woman you hope to become.

Very soon you will find yourself engaged in the difficult situation of letting him make mistakes so that he can learn from them for himself.

You will have to deal with the physical and mood changes that all teenagers go through. And in that moment you will have to answer many questions. Some of these may even be a little difficult to answer.

You will need to prepare yourself for the leap to a higher level of learning: high school with all the responsibilities and new challenges they bring. You will have to experience the rigor of the study on your skin, as if you were attending the lessons every day.

Finally,  creating a love nest for your child is always being there when he needs you. Build him a home that he can see as his home and make him feel that he will always find your support there.

Your duty is none other than this.

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