How Should The Baby’s Feeding Be?

When babies are in mommy’s tummy, they get all the basic nutrients to achieve healthy growth. However, once they are born, their diet must change to cover the nutritional needs required by the body.
How should the baby's feeding be?

Once you have your baby in your arms, you will have to choose the way you want to feed him. This is undoubtedly an important decision. Let’s see together how the baby’s feeding should be.

Baby feeding is one of the most important issues parents need to discuss. When babies are in mommy’s tummy, they get all the basic nutrients to achieve healthy growth.

However, once they are born, their diet must change to cover the nutritional needs required by the body. According to the World Health Organization, the best food source for a newborn is breast milk, because it has everything a newborn needs. Ask your pediatrician for advice on how you should breastfeed your baby.

Breast milk is so powerful that as the baby grows, the milk changes its properties to meet the needs based on the baby’s age. While breastfeeding, you will realize that nature is perfect and, therefore, your body will respond exactly to what your baby’s body requires.

However, some mothers do not have the opportunity to breastfeed their babies and have to opt for bottle feeding. The best milk powders try to quite accurately mimic the characteristics of breast milk, in order to ensure a healthy development of the baby. Let’s see together the feeding of the newborn.

Feeding the newborn: breast milk or formula?

Baby boy with funny hat on his head
Many experts insist that breast milk is the best food for newborns who have just arrived into the world. But, as we said before, not all babies have the privilege of being fed this way.

In this context, it is common to ask a few questions, such as: “Will my baby get strong if I don’t breastfeed him?” ; “Does infant formula guarantee good development?” ; “Is there a difference between babies fed with breast milk and those fed with artificial milk?”.

Given so many possibilities, it is best to consult your trusted pediatrician and ask for assistance. In the meantime, we want to present the differences between the two methods, to help you resolve some doubts:

About breastfeeding:

It has multiple benefits for the baby, as the immune and bioactive factors form a barrier that protects him from thousands of infections. Breast milk also allows for the right emotional and physical development for a healthy life.

If you can’t offer it straight from the breast for reasons you can’t control, know that you can store breast milk. By storing this substance under certain conditions, you can rest assured that it will not lose its properties until 48 hours later.

Each mother is free to choose the most appropriate feeding method for her baby. If you have decided that you want to feed your baby exclusively with breast milk, we recommend that you seek advice from a specialist in the sector. This will make you feel more confident in your choice, it will also solve doubts about the amount of milk your baby needs and you will be able to know the most comfortable breastfeeding positions.

About infant formula:

The various types of milk powders are the result of over a century of arduous research to find an appropriate substitute that serves for the good nutrition of the newborn. The main benefit is to preserve the health of the newborn when he is unable to receive natural breastfeeding.

The main disadvantage is that, although it tries to reproduce the same nutritional quality of breast milk, it does not have the same immunological substances, nor those hormones that stimulate growth. In addition, it requires more effort on the part of the parents, because it is necessary to maintain the hygiene of the bottles, carry the food wherever they go, etc.

Feeding your baby is a personal decision

Newborn with bonnet
Every mother knows her possibilities very well, so there are no rules for defining how the infant’s feeding should be. Every mother should be free to decide what she thinks is best for her baby, as long as she follows the recommendations of the specialist doctor.

Gradually, we are sure that you will be able to discover and adopt other options in complementary nutrition, which begins after six months. Follow your instincts and focus on the desire to see your child grow up healthy and strong: only in this way will you be able to know what to do.

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