What To Do To Make The Baby Stop Crying Immediately?

What to do to make the baby stop crying immediately?

The arrival of a baby is a great joy for the family. Therefore, when your baby cries, the normal or immediate reaction is to pick him up. Sometimes that may be fine, but there will be those who will tell you “let him cry”. And, since his needs depend on his parents, it is normal for them to do so for you to go to them.

There are no magic formulas to make the baby stop crying immediately, but methods, techniques and skills developed by pediatricians and parents.

The reasons why the newborn cries

As parents, and even more so if we are for the first time, we have a task ahead of us every day: learning to interpret the signals of the newborn. There are many possible causes for the baby to cry, including:

  • She is hungry: it is the most common and perhaps the easiest to resolve, through the mother’s breast.
  • Colic: The gases in his stomach can make him cry often.
  • Dirty diaper: The discomfort of this can make him so nervous that he cries for your attention.
  • Sleep: While it may seem easy to fall asleep from exhaustion, for newborns it’s not that simple. They may become irritated and unable to fall asleep.
  • Need for affection: It is common for them to demand your attention and your demonstrations of affection, and even cry for it.
  • Changes in temperature: They will express their discomfort with these changes with crying.
  • Teeth : their teeth pushing on their gums and breaking them cause them pain. Result: crying.
  • Health: if your baby feels unwell, perhaps due to a viral picture such as a fever or any other ailment, he will cry. It may be that this cry is different, so you must know how to interpret it when it appears.

Newborn crying

What to do to make the baby stop crying immediately?

The points mentioned above expose the most common causes of newborn crying. Even so, remember that sometimes your baby may cry for no apparent reason.

However, parents can learn to calm their child down. For this, we list some basic techniques that every parent should know to make the baby stop crying immediately. Consider these tips:

  • Rock it: if there is a favorite place for the newborn, it is certainly the arms of his parents. Just being in their arms creates security.
  • Take him for a walk: whether it’s just around the house or in the garden, this feeling of movement and visual experience  will calm him down. Sometimes your child will need more entertainment and you will need to take the car and take him for a ride on it. In the long run it can become a bad habit, but it really works.
  • A massage: A moisturizer and mom’s hands will be a  great antidote to get the baby to stop crying.
  • To give it to someone else: even if you do not think it is possible, the newborn also wants to experiment. Although your arms are his favorite,  wanting to feel other sensations is a normal process in a baby’s development.
  • Feel the mother: for the baby to stop crying immediately, take it on your chest and lie down so it can feel your heart and its beating. This position will make him feel your warmth and protection. Also, it will remind him of the time he lived in your womb and this will calm him down.
  • Breastfeed: this natural resource will never let you down. By doing so, he  will feel a unique bond with you and enjoy eye contact that will intensify the relationship between you even more.

Newborn crying

Additional tips to get your baby to stop crying right away

As mothers who know their baby, you will always have an ace up your sleeve. If he cries and you still don’t understand why or you have tried all six of the above techniques, why not take him for a walk and interact with him?

Tell him everything you do. Show him something attractive or new to him, perhaps a drawing, a flower, or whatever is outside the window.

On the other hand, you could also opt to take off his diaper for a few moments, so that he feels free and also experiences this new sensation. These are everyday situations where you will learn different ways to stop the baby from crying.

Finally, if your child is not hungry, sleepy and unwell, they are likely bored and need some breathing room. Even in his tender and early age,  your baby will experience a growing process in which he will need to explore new situations.

Therefore, these simple and affordable tips will allow you to calm the newborn in a natural way. The best tool is, of course, the love that only you as a parent can offer him.

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