In Which Positions Should The Baby Sleep?

In what positions should the baby sleep?

One of the most common concerns of first-time mothers is the correct sleeping position for the newborn during the first weeks of life. Read on because we will help you clear up any doubts.

The first point to make clear is that there is no perfect and indisputable way to make our little babies sleep.  

Every child is different and some factors must be taken into account such as the climate (cold or hot), if the child suffers from gastric reflux, if he is healthy or has some discomfort, if the space on which he sleeps is the bed of his parents, a cot or basket.

The specialists of the Italian Society of Pediatrics say that during the first six months of life the most desirable thing is to put the baby on his stomach. They also ensure that this position, called the supine position, is safer than lying on the stomach or on the side.

Your pediatrician will ask you a few questions to help you decide the most convenient way to ensure a sweet rest for your little one.

Given the frequent doubts, we have decided to expose the most common options so that new mothers can decide together with the doctors the best position for the newborn to sleep.

Positions for the newborn to sleep

Supine decubitus

We refer to sleeping on your stomach. It is the position most recommended by pediatricians, by virtue of scientific studies that have confirmed that it is the safest position for making the newborn sleep.

If you suffer from gastric reflux, some doctors recommend buying a special mattress with an inclination of 45 degrees, so as to avoid complications for the baby during the hours of sleep.

Prone decubitus

Prone decubitus means putting the baby on his stomach. While some moms believe this is the most comfortable position for their little ones to sleep, some pediatricians question it.

Taking into account the controversies that have arisen regarding this position for newborns, it is advisable to use it only during the baby’s nap, because during the day the mother, father or guardian can continuously supervise the baby’s sleep.

Lateral decubitus

Most mothers believe that the best position for a baby to sleep is on the side, as it provides greater comfort and safety.

Specialists indicate that, if you opt for this position, you must raise and extend the arm that remains attached to the mattress to prevent it from turning on itself and ending up on your stomach.

Cosleeping: blankets and pillows

The sleep of the newborn

If you are an advocate of cosleeping , talk to your partner about the steps to take  to ensure the baby’s safety when all three of you sleep together.

In these cases, the baby usually sleeps in the middle of the bed, between mom and dad. Therefore it is advisable to cover up to half of the body, so that the baby does not end up under any blanket.

Parents should also try to sleep on their side, with their face always facing the center of the bed. Neither should ever turn their backs on the child.

Wait for the child to turn two before getting him a pillow.

What is the correct way to dress him for sleep?

Newborn baby sleeping with onesie

This answer varies according to the season of the year. In winter, it is  necessary to avoid in every way that the little one can get cold and dress him with special one-piece suits with which he can withstand low temperatures. For newborns, this option is better than blankets or quilts.

In summer, on the other hand, opt for cotton clothing that is cooler and more comfortable for the baby.

Another common question among first-time mothers is whether babies should sleep with their head on the pillow. Pediatricians agree that it is best to wait until the baby turns two. Until then it will be best to deprive the crib or bed of any pillow or stuffed animal when sleeping.

With this information, contributing to your baby’s optimal sleep is easier than you think.

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