How To Control Nervousness During Childbirth

Having a strong nervousness about childbirth is completely normal. Here are ways to overcome fear of the unknown.
How to control nervousness during childbirth

Most women feel a lot of nervousness at the very thought of giving birth. Most often, the origins of these anxieties are rooted in fears and myths. For this reason it is very important that you know that, regardless of the different circumstances, as a woman you have everything you need to give birth to a healthy baby. If you want to have a happy birth, you must have faith in your doctor and remember all the steps forward that medical science has made, thanks to which your birth will be a complete success.

Of course, we all have different fears, just as it is equally true that any form of nervousness is completely surmountable. It can generally be controlled with adequate information, self-confidence, and education that provides you with the tools to deal with that transformative experience of bringing a child into the world.

Try to control your nervousness. Although it is a perfectly natural phenomenon, it sometimes tends to take on ever larger proportions as the date of delivery approaches. In fact, when the nerves are on the edge of the skin, they are of no help.

Keep in mind that the less nervous you feel, the more secure you will feel to fully experience childbirth, this very special moment. Furthermore, fear, instead of being a help, is an obstacle. When you feel it, in fact, your muscles tense and cause your body to respond by making you sweat more and increasing your palpitations.

For this reason, it is best to be as relaxed as possible. In this way, in fact, you will help to make your uterus function normally and to decrease the pain you feel.

the nervousness of childbirth will disappear the moment you hold your baby in your arms

Being informed about childbirth empowers you

One of the best strategies that allow you to abandon the fear of childbirth is to have precise information on its various stages. In addition, it is also good that you study the characteristics of the various types of birth, including caesarean, because knowing more is never too much. This information, added to knowing how to distinguish contractions from what is not, will make you feel stronger in the face of the different circumstances that will arise on the day of birth.

It is not even too much to know what are the most frequent complications that can occur during a birth and what are the possible solutions to be adopted in each specific case. These data, in fact, will help you to have a greater awareness of your body. This, in turn, will provide you with an additional tool to approach childbirth with a conscious and positive attitude.

Likewise, it is important that you resolve any doubts you may have regarding an epidural, the numbing effect of which can help ease the pains of labor. So, in addition to getting all the information you can find, keeping busy is also an effective means of releasing the fear of childbirth.

So, in addition to confidently asking your doctor questions about all the doubts that assail you, you can also share your fears with your partner, friends and family. They will help you overcome these kinds of thoughts, so common among first-time mothers.

Exercising and physically preparing your body for childbirth is also a good way to deal with nervousness. Pay special attention to the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

nervousness during childbirth

A good attitude is always a great help in overcoming nervousness

A positive attitude helps a lot to overcome any fear, as well as any setback that may arise. Always keep your mind positive, remove all pessimistic thoughts from you and rely on the information you have about your pregnancy. All the prenatal diagnosis results, tests and ultrasound scans you underwent during gestation should help calm you down.

Relax. The secret of a good pregnancy and a good birth lies in your ability to learn to relax. If you take a prep course, but still feel that you need to relax more, you can sign up for some meditation, yoga, swimming, pilates courses… All these disciplines are excellent and give excellent results.

Controlling nervousness and letting go of fear will greatly improve the childbirth experience. It is proven that pessimistic women have much more painful births. In fact, this attitude, in addition to making you rigid, causes your body to be submerged by cortisol, the stress hormone.

Conversely, if you are positive, your body will fill up with endorphins. This hormone, considered the hormone of happiness, helps you to cope with pain better. It also makes it easier for you to connect with your baby in a deeper way.

It is also essential that you are a practical and strong woman, in case the unexpected happens or if something goes wrong. In such cases, it is equally important to have a collaborative attitude and do everything possible to ensure that the birth can continue successfully.

Finally, have confidence in yourself, put into practice what you have learned in the lessons beforehand and you will see that you will be able to do everything in the most natural way. If, on the other hand, you cannot remember what you have learned, remember that your gynecologist and midwife will always be next to you, who will help you in the moment of labor. All you have to do is follow their directions.

So, by now you know that talking about your anxieties and informing yourself well will make you overcome the natural fear of the unknown, which will disappear immediately when you hold your baby in your arms.

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