What To Do In Case Of Postpartum Hemorrhoids

It is certain that many women suffer in silence from the pain caused by postpartum hemorrhoids, here are some useful tips for those who suffer from it
What to do in case of postpartum hemorrhoids

While hemorrhoids is not an elegant topic to talk about, it is certain that many women suffer in silence from the pain caused by postpartum hemorrhoids. Some have never bothered while others can create a lot of inconvenience. Here are some useful tips for those who suffer from it.

Their appearance is quite common, due to the effort made during childbirth to reach dilation and the pressure that the baby makes on the blood vessels of the pelvic area, making it more difficult for the veins to re-enter.

In this article, we explain what to do to treat postpartum hemorrhoids.

What are hemorrhoids?

Postpartum hemorrhoids, like others, are veins that have swollen and filled with blood. These inflamed tissues are found in the rectal area and their size can vary up to the size of a grape.

Hemorrhoids are internal or external. Depending on the person affected these can cause a simple itch or cause very severe pain.

For those who have suffered from hemorrhoids even before pregnancy, it is difficult to return to the situation as before. The good news is that hemorrhoids can be treated safely at home.

What are postpartum hemorrhoids due to?

For those expecting a baby, hemorrhoids are often the result of stress just before getting pregnant and during pregnancy. There is a human being in the mother’s womb and this implies a greater effort to get the blood to the heart.

When the hemorrhoidal veins wake up, they can bleed. It is only imaginable the stress of a woman expecting a baby and the effort she makes to push it during childbirth: this is the cause of hemorrhoids.

Add to this the hormonal shift that the future mother’s organism undergoes and everything becomes more understandable.

There is a considerable increase in progesterone in the woman’s body during pregnancy. This causes the veins to relax and create more effort to function well.

For various reasons, expectant mothers can suffer from constipation before giving birth and this creates a vicious circle that culminates in painful hemorrhoids.

How can hemorrhoids be treated at home?

suffer from postpartum hemorrhoids

There are many treatments you can try to relieve postpartum hemorrhoids at home.

  • Place ice cubes wrapped in soft fabric. If you are in the hospital, you must prevent them from appearing immediately after giving birth.
  • Wash the area with warm water
  • You can alternate these first two treatments: ice cubes and rinses with warm water
  • Gently clean the area with warm water without using toilet paper
  • Do not use any hygienic products, not even paper or towels
  • Talk to your doctor about possible treatments for postpartum hemorrhoids
  • You can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen in the doses recommended by your doctor. They are both safe for nursing mothers and make the pain caused by hemorrhoids go away.

What else to do?

Other treatments can be tried to speed things up

  • You can follow a cure for constipation
  • Go to the bathroom whenever you feel the urge. Don’t hold back for fear of more pain. In the long run, the longer you wait and the more difficult it is to recover, you only risk a worsening of the hemorrhoids
  • Do the Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor

When is it necessary to see the doctor for hemorrhoids?

You should contact your doctor when:

postpartum hemorrhoids

  • All the treatments have been done and there is no improvement a few weeks after the birth
  • If the hemorrhoids are increasingly aggressive and persistent
  • In the presence of blood.

Knowing this now will make it easier to deal with postpartum hemorrhoids. Don’t let this problem limit your life.

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