The Beauty Of Becoming Aunt For The First Time

Becoming an aunt for the first time is a great emotion, which brings with it tons of love, but also some duty.
The beauty of becoming an aunt for the first time

Generally, those who have not yet become a mother and receive the news that they are about to become aunt for the first time cannot explain in words the emotion they feel. The circumstances, the time and even the age do not matter. The arrival of a grandson is a very special event.

The little one who is about to arrive will undoubtedly be a source of joy at home, as well as the protagonist of many pranks in which his aunt will certainly participate.

Becoming an aunt for the first time means looking forward to teaching your nephew new things , taking pictures from every angle and preparing delicious cakes for a snack to enjoy together.

You will be a kind of second mother for this new being and look forward to the moment when he will call you aunt for the first time.

You will always want to  take advantage of the moment to put him to bed  to repeat the story he loves a hundred times. In the meantime, you will make discreet but essential comments that will form his spirit.

You will see with him a television series or simply cartoons, for the purpose of commenting and exchanging opinions. In this way you will teach him to reflect on respect and values ​​that will be useful to him throughout his life.

However, the good you want for your grandchild does not mean that you have to neglect the discipline necessary to make him a good person. You should always contribute to his personal development in an exemplary way. 

5 golden rules to follow when you become an aunt for the first time

Sometimes, you may not take your grandson’s education seriously. After all, you are the aunt, not the mother. But be careful, don’t make this mistake. In order to give real value to your role, we offer you five golden rules for being the best of aunts:

1. Be an amazing aunt, not an ally

When the parents are not found, the aunt comes into play. The child will need guidance and not a companion.  

Today, it is very common for an aunt to confess her fears and problems to a nephew, like a friend. But becoming an aunt for the first time often involves setting limits and rules. Just like parents do. 

2. Teach your grandson discipline from an early age

Being an aunt doesn’t mean spoiling your grandchildren and letting them do what they want. It would be too easy. As an aunt, one of your tasks will be to teach your nephew that he has to help with the housework from an early age. You will also need to explain to parents that they must follow the rules.

You will not have to indulge his mistakes. When this happens, the little one learns from you to disobey his parents.

3. Dedicate quality time to your grandchild

Often the aunt does not live in the same house as the nephew. It may also happen that for work reasons she cannot spend a lot of time with him, even if he would like to.

For this, it  is advisable that you take advantage of your free time together and transform it into quality moments. A little time is enough to play, exercise, sit down to chat or stroll for a few hours.

The time you dedicate to him will be appreciated by the child: however small, he will always remember these beautiful moments. 

4. Always tell the truth, no matter how hard it is

There is no doubt that true self-esteem comes from overcoming a challenge. Do not over-protect your grandson, otherwise he will never develop the skills to overcome difficulties.  

Praise true achievements at the right time, and if for some reason your grandson hasn’t achieved his goal, don’t make him feel worthless or treat him like a champion.  Instead, help him learn from his defeats. 

Becoming an aunt for the first time means spending quality time with your nephew

5. Always beware of your nephew’s pranks

It is not a myth that an unsupervised child can quickly turn into a problem. That is why it is your duty as an aunt to prevent your nephew from doing what he wants regardless of age.

This vigilance must be maintained without the child feeling overwhelmed, as this would cause him to stop being himself. By doing so, you would no longer be your beloved aunt, but someone she cannot trust.

Becoming an aunt is a blessing. Your grandson sees you as a second mother with whom to share sweet moments and others not so beautiful. Take advantage of your influence to instill in him the right values ​​and principles in the face of any circumstance in life. Also, give him all your love, and you will certainly receive a lot more in return.

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