A Blind Date To Meet The Love Of Your Life: Childbirth

A blind date to meet the love of your life: childbirth

Some say blind dates are nonsense. Anything can happen to you. And how much reason those who think so have reason!  Childbirth, the blind date par excellence, is the most absurd and sensational encounter that exists. In this, both the woman and the little being who is still learning to breathe fall in love at first sight and become, for each other, the love of life.

 Childbirth: a blind date

The blind date called childbirth causes illusions like few others.

The woman has enough time to dream to herself and try to imagine what this moment will be like. Think above all about the length of the meeting, starting from the hours when you will be waiting for a signal from your loved one. Imagine the intense moments before his arrival and, subsequently, the moments that will last until you finally hold him in your arms.

For this blind date she won’t need to dress well. In fact, it will be covered in as little clothing as possible.

Her love doesn’t care how she is dressed, combed, made up and whether or not she has high heels or nails, breasts, buttocks, fake lips. He will only care about its aroma. Not the expensive scent you may have at home, but the natural smell it gives off, certainly the best of all.

The love of your life, what you know with childbirth

Even if a woman may have at home, or in the corridor outside the room where she will give birth, other loves of her life (mother, father, children, partner …) with the birth she inevitably runs into one of her greatest loves: a son.

Even if he already has other children, he will not stop falling in love at first sight, nor will he love that little being less because he already has other equally significant people.

Every birth, regardless of a woman’s age or children she already has, is in itself an encounter with a strongly loved individual that she will adore for the duration of her existence.

Fortunata is the woman who has not only one love, but two, three, even four great loves.

Giving birth is going on a blind date

You know the love of your life on a very painful blind date

Childbirth is the mechanism that a woman ignores and that she must inevitably face in order to give birth to her child.

Even when she’s been through it before, neither she nor the doctors who assist her will be able to predict how things will go

As the children who are born are different, the process that leads them to be born is equally different.

This is why every woman prepares to face, in each of her parts, an unknown blind date. And this turns her into the most courageous of mothers and the most fearful at the same time.

Only those who have been through it know how difficult it is to go through labor, endure the contractions and then resist the pain that occurs when the baby comes out through the birth canal.

However, just as the pain is intense, the same is the happiness of being able to embrace and kiss the beloved child, from the moment in which it is born and enriches the mother’s existence.

Your child is the love of your life

A blind date in which to know the love of all life: childbirth

Women, childbirth is a blind date because you don’t know this person’s character, personality, physiognomy, weight, eye color, hair or skin.

You totally ignore the values ​​he will have, his attitudes or his pastimes.

You will be linked to a human being who may not share any affinity with you in terms of tastes and dreams. If you love watching TV series and maybe he likes sports, and in the years to come, you will have to fight for the spot in front of the television.

On the day of the birth you will unite your life, in a definitive way, to an unknown person. But you don’t see it as a stranger, but as something as much your own as the skin that covers you or any organ that allows you to live.

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