A Happy Child Is Rebellious, Lively And Loud

A happy child is rebellious, lively and loud

A happy child is rebellious, lively and loud. His hands would like to touch everything and his eyes would like to discover all the wonders of the world. We must allow our children to make the most of the most beautiful and magical time of their life: childhood.

It may seem curious, but in recent years a movement has been developing that does not seem to understand the value that childhood holds within a society. Today, in the world, there are numerous restaurants, bars and hotels which clearly indicate  No children “.

We know that an entrepreneur can offer a service in the way he prefers, especially if there is demand.

Countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom have been the first to offer hotel stays and restaurant tables “without children”  so that the customer does not have to endure crying, running or childhood games.

A happy child plays to catch the moon with a net

If it is more or less easy to accept this idea, it costs us more to understand the situations in which suddenly that “adultism” appears in which we stop feeling empathy and closeness to the way of childhood.

The rebellious child and the so-called “bad mother”

More than one mother will have lived through this experience. We are in a public space and suddenly our son starts crying. After a while, all eyes are fixed on us with an irritated air, as if we are not doing our role as mother well.

Lately, this is what is frequently reported on social networks and other means. There are two interesting stories that can serve as an example and contextualize the idea of ​​”child phobia”.

Critical and incomprehensible situations

Sarah Blackwood is a famous singer who had one of the most embarrassing moments of her life two years ago. She was due to fly to Vancouver, was seven months pregnant and was traveling with her 23-month-old son. 

The plane had not yet taken off when his son burst into tears. The passengers began to look at her and murmur. It didn’t take her long to hear the usual phrase:  Today’s mothers don’t know how to look after their children .

After a while a stewardess appeared and told her she had to calm her son down  or the staff would be forced to remove her from the plane. It was disturbing the passengers.

Sarah Blackwood was shocked by that reaction, by the lack of sensitivity and understanding towards childhood. After less than ten minutes his son had calmed down and remained quiet until landing. Ten minutes had been enough to exasperate an entire plane.

Happy children fly with colorful balloons (illustration).

The same happened to another girl, who published her story in the portal “Love What Matters“. She also had to travel by plane and her son, a little lively, burst into tears during the flight. The plane was immediately flooded with criticism, reproaches and comments.

The young mother went into a state of anxiety that made the situation even worse,  until suddenly a “good soul” appeared. An old man approached her and said in a low voice, “Don’t worry, you are a good mother.”

He began to distract the baby by talking to him and showing him photos on the tablet. That person understood what childhood is, the needs of a child, the importance of affection, patience and closeness.

Little girl hanging from a tree upside down

A happy child needs to interact with us

  • If a baby cries it is because he wants something from his mother. Children who grow up in orphanages often stop crying because they understand that they will not always be heard.
  • A rebellious and lively child is not the result of a permissive or disinterested upbringing. Each is unique and has its own personality.

Children are not miniature adults. They need to interact with us and with their surroundings. In the future, they will have time to be quiet, calm, to behave like adults. For now, it is necessary to respect this wonderful stage: childhood.

The “family friendly” places, a dream destination for the happy child

This growing trend of “no children” has been balanced to give an answer to those families who, without knowing how, found themselves unable to enter certain premises.

Today  we can find  “family friendly” offers to eat or spend the holidays with our children in clubs and hotels where they are the protagonists.

The real customers are the children and here is manifested the sensitivity of authentic professionals who truly understand childhood.

All spaces are specially designed for the little ones. There are high chairs, paint boxes, changing tables, stimulating games for every age group … Silence is forbidden and children are allowed to be themselves, always.

Growing up in joy, serenity and respect makes the child happy is something wonderful. Something we should all encourage.

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