A Mother’s First Goal

Being a mother means many things, but above all having your child and his well-being as the first goal.
A mother's first goal

The first goal of a mother is certainly her child, her health, her happiness, her well-being : there is nothing else in the world capable of pushing a mother to fight more than her baby. Even when the circumstances of fate, not infrequently, prevent advancement and threaten physical and emotional forces, there is nothing in the world that a mother cares more about.

The mission of a mother’s life is to trace a path that her child can walk safely, putting the best at his disposal and educating him with the utmost integrity.

The first goal of a mother is to give her child all her love, but also to protect and help him whenever he needs her.

After becoming a mother, there are no other priorities. Work, the stock market, companies, investments, the economy and money no longer make any sense. It will be the hormones, the genes, the chemistry that will create this unbreakable bond, but a mother would sacrifice anything for her child.

Newborn sleeping peacefully

A mother’s first goal

A mother’s first goal is her child and everything that has to do with his emotional and physical well-being. The second goal is herself, but not as an independent and self-centered person, but as a mother. For this reason, a mother feels the need to transform the defects that characterize her in order to prevent her child from copying them or suffering them on his skin.

A mother needs to intellectually enrich her spirit and acquire the necessary knowledge when the time comes to answer her child’s most unique questions. With this attitude, he will also have the opportunity to foster his own personal and emotional improvement.

Being a mother means behaving modestly and selflessly, avoiding the apathy and competitiveness that characterize successful, business-focused professional lives.

A mother does not have to look down on others, nor to consider equal only those who surpass her. She must make her manners more human: listen carefully to her child, not impose her own opinions on him, show disagreement with respect, and not aim to discredit those around her in order to stand out above the group.

Of course, a mother must learn not to lie and envy but to forgive. He has to get rid of bad thoughts and the negative mindset that drives people to always think badly of others, to sleep with one eye open and to expect betrayal even from those who sit at his table.

Therefore, a mother must prepare to face a very long journey to become a better person: the mother that her child deserves.

A mother's first goal

Other goals of a mother

When you become a mother, everything is more complicated. If a mother’s first goal before birth is to be ready to endure the pains of childbirth and push her child into the world, after birth, it turns out that contractions and pain are just the beginning.

The difficult road, the effort, the perseverance are just some of the guidelines that mark the path of a mother and that arise only after the birth of the child. A mother, in addition to sacrifice, learns true love and total surrender to someone who barely knows who she is.

The mother touches, caresses, cleans, cuddles and cares for her child, transmitting to him that there is no high person in the world like her. In a mother, a child finds an outstretched hand, a shoulder to lean on, a compliment that exalts him, a source of forgiveness, the encouragement he needs to move forward, and everything he needs. It does not matter the situation or the moment in which it is found.

Nobody in the world will change their mind or change the path that a mother traces for her children with destiny, heart and courage. No one can interrupt the path that a mother and child take.

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