Angry Children: 6 Useful Phrases To Calm Them

Children, like adults, can also have bad days. Sometimes they get angry, scream and kick things. Instead of scolding them, you can calm them down by using the following sentences.
Angry children: 6 useful phrases to calm them down

Parents often face the whims of their children. When children are still young, they don’t know how to properly handle anger. In this article we will suggest some phrases to calm angry children.

Sometimes when our kids throw a tantrum, we get angry and start screaming. In this way we do not solve the problem, on the contrary, we only make things worse.

There are many ways to calm angry children. Want to know how you can help your child calm anger? We explain it to you in this article!

What phrases can we use to calm angry children?

Words can hurt or heal. They are magical, depending on how we use them and the tone we use, they can help calm our children’s anger. Communication is one of the most important things.

1. “ If we all calm down, is it okay for you?

Surely, on more than one occasion, your child has started screaming and throwing tantrums in the presence of other people. You have most likely felt uncomfortable in this situation. It is also likely that in order to calm your child, you too have started screaming, grabbing your child by the arm to carry him somewhere else away from people’s eyes.

Angry child challenging parents.

In these situations, the most important thing the child needs is to understand why they shouldn’t behave that way. So, the best thing to do is take a deep breath and tell your child, “I’m very angry too, but we both need to calm down.” Using this phrase, the child will feel understood and will understand that you want to help him.

2. Useful phrases for calming angry children: “ I get angry too, but I don’t throw a tantrum.

This phrase makes your child feel that you want to empathize with them. He is angry and has to let off steam, but he has to do it another way. Also, don’t tell him he looks like a small child.

Let him know that it is normal for a person to get angry, even adults do. But you have to learn to express anger in another way. For example, you can relax together, draw a picture or find other solutions as long as they are not tantrums and screams.

3. “ Together we will find a solution that works for you.

On many occasions, children get angry and frustrated when they see that you are trying to do something that is not right for them. If at that moment you tell your angry children phrases like “You’re not trying!” or “Don’t cry and try again!”, you are not helping them to manage their anger, in fact, you are making the situation worse.

In those moments, your child needs words of encouragement that motivate him and give him confidence. If you help him do that, the anger will disappear.

Other phrases to calm angry children

4. “ If you tell me calmly and without screaming, I will understand better.

If an angry child yells at us, it will likely end up making us nervous. But we must remain calm. We need to make him understand that if he talks to us like that, we won’t understand what he wants to tell us. It is important that you remain calm in this situation. This way your child will calm down too.

5. “ You are very angry, aren’t you? What if I give you a super hug that gets it all through?

Sometimes children, like grown-ups, have a bad day and end up getting angry about everything. Eventually, they have a lot of anger on them and they don’t even know why.

Angry little girl with her hands on her head pulling her hair.

All they need is your understanding and your love. In these situations, you can tell your child that you have the solution to calm his anger: a super hug that makes everything go away.

6. “ Why do you throw away the toys? Don’t like them anymore? Are you mad at them?

Many angry children react by throwing everything that comes into their hands. Generally it is the toys. At that moment, you parents may get angry and start screaming. But you have to avoid it.

The child is angry, but he probably doesn’t even know why. So, he needs someone to explain to him what he is doing and why he is not doing well. With this sentence you will make him understand that his toys have done nothing to him and that they are not to blame for his anger. So, he shouldn’t blame them.


The phrases we have presented to you can be very helpful in calming angry children and avoiding further conflicts. With violence nothing is achieved, on the contrary, the situation is worsened. It is never a good choice. On the contrary, you need to show love, affection, empathy and respect, so that the child understands what is happening to him. Rest assured, with your help he will succeed.

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