Childhood Migraine: Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Childhood migraine: causes, symptoms, and treatments

Migraine is a more common problem than you think. Be careful in case your little one suffers from it. Specialists indicate that it afflicts both children of maternal age and more mature children. Recognizing the symptoms and treating childhood migraines will help reduce the baby’s discomfort.

What is Childhood Migraine

It is, in most cases, a very intense pain in the head. It is also a neurological disorder that occurs outside the skull. It is caused by inflammation of the muscles that connect the scalp and neck. They inflame the surrounding nerves that send a pain message to the brain.

Causes of childhood migraine

There are many causes that lead a little one to suffer from migraines, even mild headaches. However, some have persistent pain that can last for hours or days. Among the most common causes we find:

  • Abuse of computers, video games and television.
  • States of fatigue, exhaustion, stress.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Sensitivity to intense odors and loud sounds.
  • Periods of anxiety.
  • Vision problems .
  • Infections of hearing, throat, urinary tract, flu.
  • Frequent inhalation of tobacco smoke.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Side effects of some medicines.
  • Bad nutrition.

Main symptoms of childhood migraine

Recognizing the symptoms early will help you treat your child properly, decide whether to go to the doctor or to proceed at home. In this way the little one can recover in the shortest possible time and stop suffering.

  • Intermittent or throbbing pain in the head.
  • Moderate or severe pain on one side of the head or both sides.
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  • Difficulty in daily activities.
  • The pain is accentuated with physical activity.
  • Sensitivity to sound and light.

childhood migraine

How to help your little one during a migraine crisis

The first treatment is to give him an analgesic approved by the pediatrician. The most suitable are ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Keep the little one in the room or lying on the sofa in silence and in the dark. Put a cold, damp cloth on his forehead to cool him down.

Give him a scalp massage by pressing lightly on his head. You need to get him to sleep so that he relaxes and relieves muscle tension. This way you can mitigate the pain if you don’t make it disappear completely.

Practical tips for avoiding childhood migraines

Try to change the habits that can cause this problem in the little one. For example:

  • Check the time spent in front of the television, playing video games or on the PC.
  • Avoid situations that cause him excessive stress, fatigue or exhaustion.
  • Get him to eat properly. This will help keep her immune system strong and she will be able to resist infections.
  • See if foods like cheese or chocolate are causing him a headache. If so, avoid them.
  • Get him to play sports in a balanced way so that he stays healthy.
  • If you take any kind of medicine, check for unwanted effects.
  • Make sure through a visit that the little one has no visual problems.
  • Make sure he gets enough sleep. So that you will be able to rest properly and you will also reduce migraine crises.

    childhood migraine

    The role of nutrition in childhood migraine

    Widely demonstrated is the vital role that nutrition plays in childhood migraine attacks. Although the latter can also be caused by allergic reactions.

    It is very important to beware of foods that could trigger an attack. Preferably it is best to avoid dairy products, canned foods and confectionery.

    In addition, it is good to include vegetables, fruit and wholemeal bread in the diet of the child , as well as other foods that contain magnesium and keep him healthy.

    If your child suffers from childhood migraines, don’t stress yourself out too much. With the right attention it will decrease. It typically disappears with puberty.

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