Children Between 2 And 6 Years Old: What Tasks Can They Do?

Children between 2 and 6 years old: what tasks can they do?

When we look at our baby, we observe a precious being that we adore and that we dream of protecting and loving for the rest of his life. However, in order for him to be truly happy, we must remember that every age requires certain tasks to be done. For this reason, below we tell you what you can ask children between 2 and 6 years old to do.

We have decided to dedicate ourselves to this second phase of children’s development, according to Jean Piaget’s theory, because it is fundamental for their growth. It is during this phase that the little one begins to open up to the world, to know the surrounding environment, to improve his psychomotor, temporal and spatial skills and to define his personality.

You may still find them too small to carry out tasks, but the truth is that they are old enough to understand that there are certain obligations and routines to respect and perform. Remember that in this way children will be more self-confident, autonomous and aware that they need to be educated.

Little girl reading a book

Tasks for children between 2 and 6 years old to do

Below we present a list of tasks that children between 2 and 6 years can do without difficulty. Some will be simpler, others will require your help, but they can be perfectly crafted by your child:

Hours of sleep

It may seem obvious, but children at this age need at least 10 hours of sleep a night. They must understand that at a certain time they must be in bed and that a good rest is necessary to be able to perform at their best, even if only to play, have fun and be cheerful.

Eat alone

While not all children have the same pace of development, many of them can eat on their own from the age of 2. You will have to help them, show them how to do it and teach them how to use cutlery. This will allow your children to be independent and have self-confidence.

Control of the sphincters

Many moms worry if their baby still doesn’t have sphincter control at 2 years old. Rest assured, each child has their own rhythm. It is best not to be frightened and let this somewhat violent change be progressive and as less traumatic as possible for him.

In any case, from the age of 3 onwards almost everyone can do it. If you notice a worsening after a successful initial, perhaps the child is insecure or is trying to get your attention.


It is necessary that our child does not adopt bad habits from an early age. To do this, he must be allowed to carry out certain household chores. Already at the age of three or four, he can help set the table and clear the table or carry out the simplest household chores such as walking the pet, trying to make the bed … In any case, the household chores we assign must go hand in hand with the its development.

Child playing with toy cars

Personal order

A two or three year old is already old enough to internalize the order in his mind. At this age, little ones cannot stay focused for a long time on a single topic, but they may know specific routines, such as the importance of tidying up their room, collecting their toys, etc.

This will improve their development, but you need to start early.

Personal hygiene

It is equally important to inculcate the importance of personal hygiene in the little one. At about three years old, he can already start trying to dress himself, always under your supervision and with your help.

He may also start lathering his head, and between 5 and 6 years of age, he may even take a shower himself. From the age of two, even brushing their teeth is an action that children can perform without major problems.

Taking care of siblings and pets

As we have already said, a three-year-old child can already accompany you on your pet’s walk, but it is too early for him to take care of it himself. Furthermore, if he has a younger brother, we must begin to instill in him the need to respect others, be they people or animals.

In fact, at five or six years old, these concepts will be perfectly clear to him and he will demonstrate great autonomy by helping his brother, pet or even a newborn.

Other tasks

Children between 5 and 6 years old can start reading and studying on their own. Even if they don’t yet have a great long-term ability to concentrate, they will be able to enjoy themselves for some time. They can also start showing off their culinary arts, but always with plastic utensils and without using fire; but for example helping to make a donut is perfectly doable.

These are some activities that we can ask our children between 2 and 6 years old to do. Don’t be afraid, rather encourage them to become more and more independent and self-confident.

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