Children Who Talk Too Much In The Classroom

If your children talk too much in class, you need to know that this behavior can be corrected. In the following article we will give you some tips to do this. Take note!
Children who talk too much in the classroom

Children who talk too much in the classroom suffer from an attention problem that can negatively affect their school grades. While it is true that this shows that the child has many friendships and that it is not difficult for him to socialize, this happens at the least opportune moment.

These situations are particularly difficult for parents, who are not in the classroom to control and discipline the child’s behavior. Therefore, in these cases the most important thing is to find a way to motivate the child and make him understand how important it is to participate in the lessons.

If you want your children who  talk too much in class to change their behavior, it is best to have a constructive dialogue with them, with the aim of understanding why they get distracted so easily. And then try to motivate them to follow the teachers’ explanations, leaving the time for confessions to recreation.

Once you have allowed them to express their opinion without interrupting them, encourage them to reflect on their behavior in the classroom.

Find out why your child talks too much in class

In order to correct certain behaviors, it  is necessary to discover the origin of the conflict. Among other causes, it could be one of the following:

  • He has the feeling that this is the only time he gets attention, whether it’s from the teacher or his classmates.
  • Finds boring school subjects and needs something more challenging.
  • He struggles to understand the topics covered in class.
  • He stands next to  a very talkative friend.
  • He needs to physically rest very often.
  • He has no interest in following the teacher’s instructions.
  • The teacher does not explain the concepts in the most adequate way.
  • He is in his early school years and facing a completely new situation.

Practice with the little one at home

If you want your child to improve his behavior in school, it is important that you practice with him at home. In fact, you can start making a turn-to-talk habit around the house to teach them to wait and listen to others. Thus giving him more opportunities to control his impulses.


For example, avoid letting your child interrupt conversations. If the baby is talking too much, remind him that it is not yet his time to talk, or that it is time to calm down and control his impulses. Do this in a natural and respectful way, not as if he had done something wrong.

Likewise, you can also involve him in games that involve turns. For example, board games are a fun activity and ideal for understanding the need to respect one’s turn; otherwise, create your own listening and speaking game, where everyone takes turns telling a story.

What to do with children who talk too much in the classroom

If you find that your child is distracted or has attention problems at school, it  may be a good time to improve their attention at home. Below, we give you some tips to do this:

1. Maintain a quiet home environment

The first of our tips is, as far as possible, to try not to shout at your children or to lose control. Maintaining a quiet home environment will help reduce distractions for your children.

2. Limit distractions around the house

To help keep your child from distracting, we recommend that you limit the amount of time they spend in front of the screen, as this can interfere with their ability to concentrate.

Likewise, checking the time they spend playing video games or with electronic devices will allow them to focus more in class.

3. Problem with sight and hearing

If your little one starts having attention problems at school, take him to a pediatrician for a vision and hearing test. In fact, sometimes attention problems in children may be due to a problem in seeing or hearing clearly.

4. Remain positive in front of the child

If possible, we recommend that you do not argue with your partner in front of children. These discussions can have a big impact on the little one and can cause problems with concentration in the classroom.

Likewise, you need to share positive moments and experiences with the child. This will avoid the development of anxiety and, consequently, distraction.

5. Make time for your child

To improve your little one’s attention, you need to spend time with your child every day and carry out activities together. For example, reading a story, playing a board game or painting. This will help him develop his interest and focus on this same activity.

Society game

6. Enforce house rules

For a child not to have attention problems, rules must be imposed at home and these must be enforced, both by the child’s father and mother. Parents must agree on the rules that involve the child and must support each other; being on the same page as regards discipline is crucial when the child has trouble concentrating.

Finally, remember that changing the behavior of those children who talk too much in the classroom is possible if you use the right techniques. We recommend that you be patient and take the time to get your little one to pay more attention to things. For sure you will succeed!

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