Children’s Whims: What Do They Teach Us?

Children’s whims may have a positive side that parents should be able to recognize and make the most of. Don’t believe it? Read here.
Children's whims: what do they teach us?

Children’s tantrums are very common, even the quietest child does them from time to time. These episodes depend to a large extent on the education imparted by the parents and in general on the way in which the little ones are raised. In other words, it is possible that parents are responsible for most of the whims of children.

Although these episodes recur over time, tantrums always cause some concern, especially if they occur in public.

Experts believe they could be the product of a distortion, meaning that children’s personalities are affected by the action of adults. For example, when all their requests are satisfied, children are induced to a very high level of frustration intolerance.

Despite the potential consequences, it is possible to learn how to make the most of it. Children’s whims may have a positive side that parents should be able to recognize and make the most of. The ideal is to try to prevent these episodes, but when they occur it will be good to know how to draw something positive from them.

What are the whims of children due to?

They first appear between two and four years of age. They occur when the child feels free to express his feelings and opinions. But they also arise when the little one acquires independence, or when he is able to do certain things on his own and wishes to do them.

Experts explain that tantrums are part of the child’s development. Like other behaviors, they are necessary to define his personality. In addition to this, they indicate that he has adequate understanding skills.

Despite this, the trigger for children’s whims can be of various kinds. In many cases, however, this can be avoided. The environment in which the child moves strongly influences the appearance of tantrums, for example in relation to the quantity of products available to him. When they are offered too many toys, services and sweets, it is almost inevitable that the child will demand them when and how they like best.

Having the child despair to get something that has been denied tends to be the main cause of his whims. When it is impossible for him to get what he wants, he feels a sense of frustration  that he manifests through the well-known scenes.

Child throwing tantrums with food.

How to best manage children’s whims?

Taking into consideration that the child is developing his personality, it is important to observe how and in what cases he usually expresses his anger. In addition to being able to prevent such a scenario, the aforementioned observation allows parents to anticipate.

It is common for parents to avoid confrontation with the little ones. In other words, children are often given what they ask for in order to avoid a scene in the least suitable place and time. But this is not the only solution to avoid a whim. Communication with the little one is a very important factor in achieving better results.

We must recognize that children express themselves and that they have the right to do so. However, they don’t know how to handle grief and somehow parents contribute to their inability to handle frustration. Furthermore, a child who feels he has overcome certain barriers and is more independent cannot tolerate relegation.

Dedicating sufficient time to your children allows parents to get to know them better, helps strengthen the relationship of trust and reduces the consequences of lack of attention.

On the other hand, children who are neglected by their parents develop anxiety, sadness and irritation. A reflex of this condition could persist into adulthood as well. So let’s see how to avoid this and what children’s whims can teach us.

They highlight the development of the child

The more independent the child is, the more he will throw a tantrum. As a result, this conduct largely demonstrates that the little one is maturing, although his way of manifesting it is not the most suitable.

Angry child sitting in the corner.

They allow you to make better decisions

The little one makes a scene because he is able to discern between what he wants and what he doesn’t want. This gives parents the opportunity to better decide the strategies to adopt to educate them and on which aspects to intervene. If you feel overwhelmed by children’s whims, the ideal is to learn how to avoid them by taking steps to better educate them.

They help parents manage their emotions

Although children’s whims are not welcome at all, parents need to be able to control their emotions. If you are in public, it is logical to want to avoid any form of violence, and yet this should always be the case.

Children should never be beaten, even when they are wrong  and make themselves unbearable. Controlling impulses results in an exercise in self-control.

Children’s whims allow them to appreciate their feelings

Sometimes it is not just uneducated, but it is also possible that the child has a little reason and that his feelings are genuine. Perhaps his way of acting will make his parents lose patience, but it pays to give him the opportunity to feel one way or another. When a child desires something with all of himself, we cannot diminish his feeling.

The whims of children are largely due to the attitude adopted over time by the parents, who have allowed the manifestation of these behaviors. Despite this, specialists partially free parents from this burden by stating that tantrums are typical manifestations of the child’s development, as well as necessary.

If we are positive, we will learn to recognize the positive side that these unwanted behaviors implicitly bring with them.

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