Doing Sports During Pregnancy: Yes Or No?

During the various stages of pregnancy, it is possible to carry out certain physical activities safely, as long as you follow your doctor’s recommendations.
Doing sports during pregnancy: yes or no?

When a woman becomes pregnant, she always has a little fear of playing sports during pregnancy, as she thinks that any excess could harm the baby. However, depending on the month of gestation and physical activity, there is no danger; however, you should be very careful and always consult your doctor.

Playing sports during pregnancy is possible

There are several exercises that can be done during pregnancy. Many women like to work out and in this article we present some ideal exercises during gestation to avoid putting their baby’s health at risk:

1. Strolling during pregnancy. This type of physical activity does not harm the child, on the contrary it offers numerous benefits. In fact, it favors its arrival in a natural way, helps prevent circulatory problems such as edema, swollen legs and feet, but also constipation, hemorrhoids and, finally, to keep your weight under control.

2. Riding a bicycle. It may seem strange, but this activity is also possible, but, of course, paying a lot of attention and taking the necessary precautions. Bicycling relaxes, tones, improves circulation and counteracts weight gain, along with other benefits. It is possible to carry out this activity up to the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy. In the last months of gestation, however, it is possible to use the exercise bike.

3. Play water sports. Immersion in water considerably reduces the weight of the bodies and, consequently, the risk of injury or straining the muscles. This proportional activity improves muscles, circulation and even reduces pain in the lower back.

4. Yoga can also be done. This is another activity that offers numerous benefits, among them it calms back pain, improves body posture, prevents hemorrhoids and vomiting. In addition to this, it reduces fatigue, nervous tension and guarantees the fetus greater oxygenation. It is an exercise that allows you to relax and meditate.

5. If you want to do sports during pregnancy, you can also opt for pilates. Extreme care must be taken in this case. Pilates offers the same benefits as yoga, but you should avoid putting any pressure on your stomach.

6. Spine stretches and head exercises. A pregnant woman can also carry out these activities without any problem. Thanks to them, you will be able to obtain greater flexibility, relaxation and muscle toning.

Pregnancy belly

What sports cannot be done during pregnancy?

1. High-risk exercises. Scuba diving and other activities where you can fall or be injured, such as horseback riding, skiing or snowboarding.

2. After the first trimester, avoid abdominal or other exercises that require you to lie flat on your back. These can cause dizziness and a rush of blood to the uterus.

3. Standing exercises with dumbbells should be avoided. It is not good to stand for a long time, as this position reduces the amount of blood that reaches the uterus.

Playing sports during pregnancy

Exercises that can be done after pregnancy

Many gynecologists and midwives suggest waiting four to six weeks after the baby is born before starting any kind of physical activity.

1. Kegel exercises. If you notice the area where the caesarean section was made inflamed or swollen, you can perform these exercises. They strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, thus improving circulation and avoiding inconveniences such as urinary incontinence.

2. Push-ups on the arms. With this exercise you can strengthen the muscles, so picking up the baby will be easier for you.

3. Head and shoulder exercises. They will help you tone your abdominal area. It will take time, of course, and you need to be constant to regain the weight you had before pregnancy.

4. Train the pelvis. These exercises are also suitable for training the abdominal area.

5. Make a plan to train properly. You can start with five minutes, two or three days a week, and then increase to 20 minutes or even more if you think you can.

If you notice something strange, stop the exercises

You have to pay attention to your lochi; if you see them becoming more abundant or dark red or pink in color, we recommend that you stop exercising and call your doctor. He will be able to guide you in the best way.

It is understandable that you want to play sports during pregnancy to stay active, but it is also important to take care of the health of the unborn child. Consult your doctor whenever you have doubts about the exercises to be performed.

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