Education Without Threats: It Can Be Done

Educating without threats: it can be done

Threat-free education may be the only way to correct your child’s behavior. Threats usually lead to the opposite result, making your child behave worse.

Threats are not considered a useful educational tool, as they cause power struggles, arguments and a bad mood in children.

Furthermore, threatening the child deprives him of learning opportunities. Especially if you do it to ensure his obedience.

In this way everything your child will do is to please you, and in the long run, this will lead to problems with his self-esteem and everything related to psycho-emotional health.

Children hate threats, all you will achieve is greater detachment on his part and conflict situations.

Be careful when giving punishment, make sure it is something the child can endure.

Also remember, that an irrational threat will teach the child nothing about the real consequences of his actions.

When parents opt for a threat-free education, they gain in health and well-being, for the child and for themselves. This allows to create lasting and healthy bonds, as well as a family harmony that enhances the qualities of all the components.

educate without threats

5 Tips to educate without threats

Often, educating without threats is a difficult task. Many parents have problems when their children don’t do what they say and end up threatening them to cooperate. Here are some helpful tips for avoiding threats.

1. Avoid the power struggle

To be a point of reference for your child, you must first of all avoid losing your temper in the face of their behavior. When you need your child to complete a task, the little one will feel that they have the power to please you or not.

By analyzing the often irrational thoughts that fuel your discomfort in the face of his disobedience, you can avoid getting angry and act more reasonably . Instead of approaching the baby to make him do something, guide him by acknowledging his reticence without judgment or criticism. In this way you will give him a positive education, and not one based on forced obedience.

2. Take control of your emotions

Being able to manage your emotions and reactions will make you less inclined to use threats to get children to do a certain thing, and you will be more able to get their cooperation naturally, with silent authority.

When parents don’t need Fijians to behave in a certain way to feel in charge and don’t start a power struggle with them, they will naturally be in charge.

3. Stay safe and confident

Staying safe and confident will assert your leadership and limit the chances of your child rebelling. When your child senses that you are safe and confident even if he has been prank, he will automatically feel loved and safe. In general, children are happiest when they have someone who leads them confidently without getting angry and does not lose faith in them.

educate without threats

4. Discuss the negative consequences first

You have to explain the negative consequences before the little one breaks the rules. Use the waiting time, take away privileges, or use logical reasoning to make him understand the consequences of his actions.

Consider which consequences are most effective, bearing in mind that what works for one child may not work for another. Plan the consequences for a mistake. If they are appropriate you will not feel so guilty about applying them.

5. Notify

As your little one approaches punishment for disrespect or bad behavior, don’t be afraid to warn him. After he experiences the consequences of his actions, your warnings will be taken seriously and he will begin to respect them.

Normally it is necessary to give at least three notices before arriving at the punishment. Keep in mind that over time, most children will change their behavior with a warning or two.

Threat-free education is simpler than it sounds. It is all about being firm and knowing how firmly to treat the child.

Remember that he not only needs to learn his duties but also to receive affection and understanding.

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