Even Children Can Be Heartbroken

How can you help a child with a broken heart? Read the following lines to find out how to behave in cases like these.
Even children can be heartbroken

Just like us adults, children can also be heartbroken,  and perhaps more often than we think. It is probable that the causes that generate this reaction in us adults are not the same in the case of children. However, it is very likely that we ourselves cause this effect.

We often treat children as if they did not understand anything of what is happening around them, or  p ensiamo that, because of their lack of experience, are not able to interpret certain situations. Another reason why we can break their hearts without realizing it is to believe that they will not remember, or that they will be distracted by anything, without thinking about what happened.

Without necessarily having to deal with love situations, a broken heart  is a feeling that affects people because of the expectations that are created towards something or someone. When we abandon a child or demonstrate a preference for another, we are likely to hurt him more than we realize.

Nonetheless, it is sad for a mother to see her son’s heart breaking, without her having a chance to do much to help him. Depending on the case, this pain can be very deep, difficult to bear and, at times, impossible to forget. For this reason it is important to know our children: to be able to console them.

A broken hearted child breaks the heart

It hurts to see your child’s heart breaking. The most important thing, however, is to always be respectful and value his feelings. If it is a fracture due to a disappointment in love, it is recommended not to do anything that makes him feel disregarded. It is not nice to laugh at his suffering or to think that it is not important.

It is always painful to see a child with a broken heart

When a child experiences this feeling for the first time, it is normal for them not to know how to handle it. Perhaps he will stand aside a little and take on a dejected and melancholy air. However, it is also possible that he becomes a little irritable, expresses his temper violently, and is clearly annoying.

However, when we know that the pain is causing certain displays of frustration, our intervention must be particularly delicate and careful. It hurts to see that your child is in pain, especially when he is a child who is suffering for love. If he refuses our help, he causes us sorrow; but soon he will realize that this is what he needs most.

Let our child use our help when he feels ready to do so . We avoid putting pressure on him and letting emotions get the better of us. There are many ways to help him: always, however, keeping in mind the seriousness and importance of what is happening to him.

How to help a broken hearted child?

Our advice can penetrate deeply into little ones who feel disconsolate, because to a large extent their pain can be accentuated by their lack of experience in bearing it. Helping them to channel their emotions correctly is part of our responsibilities, and can be very effective.

It is also a great time to teach them to recognize and practice different values, such as respect, tolerance, self-esteem and patience. In addition, it is also appropriate to teach them to be strong. A child’s broken heart can heal completely, as long as treatment is timely and conducted in the right way.

Pain can be an opportunity to learn how to manage your emotions and become stronger

Other recommendations that can help overcome this pain are the following.

  • Advise your child to talk to you about what is happening to them. This attitude will help him understand that he is important and see that there are people willing to take care of his suffering.
  • If the child has access to Internet-connected phones or devices,  he may be trying to express his feelings through messages or by using social networks. In this case, it is helpful to direct him to avoid telling his problems through this medium, which he will not need after his pain has passed.
  • We teach the child to be sure of himself and to have faith in his own worth. Let’s raise his self-esteem and help him act with dignity.
  • It is important that the news of his disappointment does not leave the family unit,  because, if it were made public, it could cause the child to suffer discomfort and be forced to suffer questions that he would not want to answer.
  • We respect his silence, his space and the time he needs to heal. If we are aware of what is happening to him, we can expect him to endure his own moment of depression in his own way. We shouldn’t, however, stop watching him.
  • It is recommended to  distract him, so that his spirit does not decline more than necessary. We take advantage of the situation to invite him to do something that amuses him.
  • If we find that he is depressed or that his condition is not improving, or that his behavior changes violently, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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