Exercises For Busy Moms

Exercises for busy moms

For lack of time, mothers neglect their bodies, with serious consequences. Exercising is absolutely essential: even if you are busy, with our exercises for busy mothers from now on you will have no more excuses.

Nowadays, being a mother doesn’t just mean taking care of the babies and the house. A mother is also a working wife, a friend, a daughter… And a mountain of other things, which, due to lack of time, can turn routine into a source of stress.

While it is true that lack of time can be a problem, it is also true that, thanks to willpower, excellent results can be achieved.

You don’t have to work overtime to hit the gym when you don’t even have time to put your nail polish on in the comfort of your own home. A busy mother’s schedule can be really tough, and the struggle for weight can take a back seat.

So, where could you exercise if you live with minutes running out every day? Just the idea of ​​changing your clothes and driving to the gym is overwhelming: you feel it like torture and, in the end, you find yourself thinking that a few extra pounds is not the end of the world.

Your commitments keep you busy. Warning: Stress and extra pounds can have serious health effects.

Exercises for busy moms to do at home

There is no need to waste time going to and from the gym. At home you can organize your routine, while the children do their homework and before you start preparing dinner. The shower can wait until they fall asleep.

If you prefer to get out of bed a little earlier (as long as you don’t wake up at dawn to go to work) you can do these exercises for busy moms before breakfast. To you the choice!

On YouTube there are channels that are equivalent to virtual gyms: ideal for being able to sport in the comfort of home. You won’t have to worry about wearing a new jumpsuit, and putting your hair in a ponytail will be more than enough.

Thanks to a few daily exercises, you can drastically change the parts of the body that you like less and feel much more comfortable with yourself and your lifestyle.

Exercises for busy moms from A to Z

If you wish, you can do a session of three simple and repetitive exercises that will take you from 30 to 45 minutes.

The first thing to do is to warm up your muscles for about 15 minutes by doing a small run. Then do some movement with your legs and draw circles with your arms.

When you feel ready to begin,  do these sets of exercises by doing three sets of repetitions.

Exercises for busy moms to do at home.

First part

  • 10 slow, deep pushups ( squats )
  • Run in place for 2 minutes
  • 10 push-ups
  • Run in place for 2 minutes
  • 10 reps to work on the triceps
  • Fast run in place for 1 minute

Second part

  • 15 push-ups on the legs (squats)
  • Run in place for 90 seconds
  • 15 push-ups
  • Run in place for 90 seconds
  • 15 reps to work on the triceps
  • Fast run in place for 1 minute

Part Three

  • 20 push-ups ( squats )
  • Run in place for 1 minute
  • 20 push-ups
  • 15 reps to work on the triceps
  • Run in place for 1 minute
  • Fast run in place for 1 minute

Finally, to complete the training session, do some stretching exercises and breathe deeply. Depending on your physical abilities and the time available, you can increase or decrease the difficulties.

Nutrition is important for getting back in shape

Lack of time is not a good excuse to neglect your diet. You must therefore follow a healthy diet, which excludes quick meals and junk food, and is based on foods rich in vitamins, proteins and all the substances our body needs to stay healthy. Furthermore, through good eating habits you will teach your children to eat responsibly and to have a good relationship with food.

And this also applies to you!

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