Find Out Which Languages ​​will Be Most Spoken In The Future

English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Russian … There are various languages ​​that are very important in the world, for the number of speakers and users for example. As our children begin to create a future for themselves, it can be convenient for them to add one of these powerful language tools to their skills.

Speaking multiple languages ​​is an increasingly valuable skill in both school, work and business environments. Many companies no longer even trust reading it in the resume or seeing a diploma, but they want to ensure that the candidate has the required level and lives up to their expectations. Which languages will be the most widely spoken in the future?

The interviewees do their tests or interviews in the required language. While English continues to be the most requested language in all professional fields and the third most widely spoken in the world today, this will probably not continue to be so in the future.

Below, we will look at some of the elements to find out which languages ​​will be the most spoken in the future. How about taking them into consideration to learn one or to invite your child to do so?

The 6 possible most spoken languages ​​in the future

Mandarin Chinese

The study of Mandarin Chinese has soared around the world in recent years. It is the mother tongue of a thousand million people, making it the most widely spoken in the world today.

Mandarin Chinese will also be the most widely spoken and valued language in the future. This will happen because it is the official language of one of the countries that have the greatest population growth on the planet and which, moreover, could become the world’s leading economic power.

It is estimated that, in some years, this will be the second most requested language by companies at the time of hiring, after English; in the long run, it could become the first. Chinese economic activity has an increasingly important presence in all sectors, and mainly in the technological one.

Most Chinese entrepreneurs who engage in international business speak English or have interpreters. However, being able to speak your own language will undoubtedly be a much appreciated difference. If you are considering learning a new language, Mandarin Chinese is a great option.


English continues to be one of the most widely spoken and most important languages ​​in the world. It is the mother tongue of more than 400 million people, but it is also the most studied language in the world. Undoubtedly, it is the language par excellence of business and the world of the Internet.

While it appears that English may be replaced by Mandarin Chinese in the future, it will continue to be an important language. It is the official language of some of the largest economic powers in the world; moreover, it is the language of diplomacy and popular culture, and is expected to continue to be so for many years to come.


Spanish is also one of the most used languages ​​in the world (the second one), because it is the mother tongue of 500 million people and the official language of more than 20 countries. It is also the second most studied language, after English.

In the long run, the importance of Spanish is expected to remain and even increase. In fact, many of the Spanish-speaking countries are part of the so-called emerging economic powers, mainly in Latin America. This way, Spanish will likely be one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the future.


Arabic is currently the fifth most spoken language in the world and the official language in 23 countries. And the future prospects are very promising.

The impressive economic development that the Middle East is experiencing, especially Dubai, has caused many companies to focus their attention on this region of the world. Learning this language is not an easy task, but it would be a great investment for the future.


Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world today: 380 million people speak it. Hindi is also expected to be one of the most widely used languages ​​in the future. This could happen because, in addition to its large population growth, India is one of the emerging economies with the greatest growth potential.


Currently, Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world. Likewise, it is also the official language of the first economy in Europe and fifth in the world, according to data from the World Bank.

The Russian economy is expected to continue strong growth, so this language has great potential for the future. In addition, the increase in the quality of life in Russia has led the population to seek business, tourism and entertainment contacts in Europe and America.

In conclusion, if our children want to learn a new language, there are several options and variables to consider. Always keep in mind that this aspect can greatly affect their academic and working future.

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