Fixed Hours For Children: Why Are They Important?

Fixed hours for children: why are they important?

Children need to have specific schedules, which will help them create a routine that will affect important contexts such as school. While many parents find it difficult to establish fixed times for their children, they need it.

Sometimes, in the absence of help from third parties, mum and dad take the little one everywhere, to attend to certain chores and even to attend meetings in the evening that do not favor his well-being at all.

The truth is that sticking to schedules allows children to create habits which they then start repeating over and over. These behaviors lead them to enjoy a basic emotional balance and to establish a fundamental mechanism for their education and the construction of their own personality.

Respecting timetables gives him a sense of responsibility.

The constant realization of the fundamental activities, in turn, foments the virtues of the human being. In this sense, a positive environment is created that favors the development of the little one through the adequate guidance provided by mom and dad. The result: a child capable of recognizing his responsibilities and willing to fulfill them.

But what is the right time to start with this task? From the day your baby is born, you can start sowing the habits you think are important to make it an easier process. With great patience and love, you will certainly obtain excellent results that will surprise you over time.

Fixed times for children: benefits

Child taking a bath

Faced with this mission, the first aspect to take into account is that the little ones should not be forced to perform their tasks. It is a job that deserves a lot of dedication and, little by little, you will be able to correct what they do not do correctly or instill in them new values ​​that will incite them to achieve new goals.

So that you know precisely the benefits of this good habit, we present a list of the benefits that you will love:

A child’s safety depends on his routine 

He needs to distinguish the important things and what skills he has to get them. As his parents lead him, the child will become aware of the world around him and how he can interact with it.

Children discover the sense of order

When they are born, they have no idea what the organization is. If you teach them this concept with systematic activities, they will quickly learn the message you are conveying to them.

Repetition of rituals

This allows the context to become predictable, so the child begins to feel more secure. For example, by telling them that tidying up toys is relevant and by showing them how to do it, they will feel motivated to do it on their own initiative.

Sleep, nutrition and hygiene 

They are the first activities that must have a fixed schedule. As part of his initial routine, you will be able to make the child understand that there are situations that repeat themselves at a specific time of the day and that should not be forgotten.

Put your thoughts in order 

During the first six years, the little ones of the house have an absorbent mind. For this reason, they must know how to put their thoughts in order.

Notion of time

Setting schedules sets a feeling of time periods.

Construction of the personality 

Orienting them on this path allows the little ones to consolidate a form of being.

Rudolf Dreikurs, an American educator and psychiatrist, insisted that setting fixed times for children was as important as the walls of a house, as it puts certain boundaries and dimensions of life on them. “Routine gives them a sense of order that gives rise to freedom,” he said.  

How can this be achieved?

Calendar with fixed times for children

In order to establish fixed times for children, you have to propose it again and be the first to lead by example . Experts assure that by carrying out a task for at least 21 days, actions become part of everyday life. Constancy in your efforts, therefore, is essential.

In this context, you can understand that as soon as the child arrives home, you need to set goals as soon as possible. In this way, he will recognize the space in which he moves, the schedules of his parents, the noises that are made in the house, etc.

In addition to that, you have to get them used to a time for bathing, eating, sharing together, exercising and sleeping. Once established, you must be adamant and not change them.

Remember that you are the example your little angels will be inspired by. Lead them by the hand along the correct path and you will see how they will evolve in the realization of good habits.

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