Gum Pain In Babies: How To Deal With It

Gum pain in babies: how to deal with it

S pesso, the eruption of the teeth is a source of great discomfort for babies. Gum pain occurs through crying, but also through visual symptoms of redness and inflammation. What can we as parents do about it?

One of the natural processes that are part of infant development is teething. However,  this experience can cause concern in parents, and the cause is often gum pain. Fortunately, there are techniques that reduce the discomfort and can be applied at home with ease.

Since the baby is still in the mother’s womb, his dental training begins. Often, the rash begins to appear after six months of life and lasts up to 28 months. Each child, however, is unique, and for each child this phase occurs at different times. There have also been cases where babies come into the world with one or more teeth.

Normally,  the central teeth are the first to come out. First the ones below come out and then those above; at about ten months of age the upper lateral incisors emerge and, after some time, the lower ones.

Molars and canines are born between 14 and 18 months of age

Frequent symptoms

It is important to monitor the behavior of the little ones. Since they haven’t developed language yet, they don’t know how to communicate what they hear. They tend to experience mood swings, moan and cry a lot.

Children’s mouths must be checked. Gum pain in babies is caused by inflammation and redness of the affected region. Even when the tooth is not yet visible, the gum can be swollen. Likewise, saliva production increases.

Because of the pain, many children stop eating according to their previous habits. Sleep is also affected: in a horizontal position, the heartbeats are perceived with more force, and these pulsations increase the suffering. For this reason it is called “throbbing pain”.

Babies manifest their pain in the gums through crying

When should I go to the doctor?

A high temperature can be a symptom of infection. Also, passing liquid stools can be an indication of the presence of bacteria, viruses, or stomach problems. It is possible that the baby has brought something dirty to his mouth or that, by biting, he has caused an injury: parents must always be careful.

If the proper corrective measures are not taken, constant drooling can irritate the chin and cheeks. When the child ingests more drool than usual, his stools may appear softer; these disorders are completely normal and can be prevented.

How is it possible to relieve gum pain in babies?

An effective remedy for pain relief is to apply something cold to the gums. To do this, you can take a glass of ice water and insert a finger, and then rub it on the affected area. If your baby uses a pacifier, you can put it in the refrigerator and give it to him when it is cold.

You can find bite-sized gum items containing gel for sale. First you need to put them in the freezer, but don’t freeze them. The low temperature is used to reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

What babies eat can also help them. A good idea is to make homemade fruit ice creams, without sugar or jelly. Chopped apples, as well as pears, mangoes, bananas, and papaya offer some relief.

The best remedy is love

In the teething period, feeding your baby or letting him sleep can be a tough job. Using a teaspoon of silicone will reduce discomfort. Furthermore, before putting him in the cradle, it is recommended to give him a relaxing bath, always with lukewarm water.

Tears can become a constant presence, because it is the baby’s way of complaining and expressing his pain. The manifestations of love will be able to calm him down. Picking him up, singing, and spending time with him will make him relax and stop crying.

Certain objects to bite can relieve pain in the gums

Do drugs help?

The teeth come out can last for a period of up to a year, at least in the case of front teeth: it is precisely in this period of time that the greatest pain in the gums of babies occurs. If the parents realize that, despite the use of home techniques, there is no improvement, they can resort to the use of drugs.

The pediatrician will decide what to administer; usually they are gel painkillers, to be applied directly in the oral cavity. However, they are not indicated during breastfeeding, because they contain anesthetics.

Similarly, for gum pain in babies, the specialist can prescribe the intake of ibuprofen, acetaminophen or paracetamol. However, it  is contraindicated to administer or rub the affected area with aspirin or benzocaine.

Preventive care

S ono to avoid sugars, refined delicacies and sweets. The diet must contain vegetables, fruits, legumes and proteins; football cannot be missing either.

As for the shape of the teeth, they often appear to be crooked. This is nothing to be alarmed about – they usually settle on their own as they grow.

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