Healthy Snack For Children: Here Are The 5 Best

Healthy snack for children: here are the 5 best

You will surely have wondered what to give to your children to make them have a healthy and tasty snack. Read on, today we present the 5 best snacks for children.

Is it possible to have a healthy and at the same time appetizing snack? Does it seem to you that your children only like unhealthy foods? Don’t worry, sometimes it seems impossible not to fall into the trap set by the convenience of industrial products, which offer us a quick solution.

But we are not talking about just any thing. The snack is important for the growth of your children, as it offers the right amount of energy to face an afternoon full of activity and study.

Having a snack during the break is also essential, since the mornings at school require a very important physical and mental effort. Therefore, giving up this snack would be a mistake.

What is the importance of a healthy snack for children?

  • Development stage . Your children are growing up, they are in the development phase, therefore they need an energy supply to help them in this phase.
  • Undeveloped organism . Their bodies are not prepared to go too long without eating. It is recommended that children ingest food more frequently than adults.
  • Avoid overweight . By eating more frequently, you will prevent them from arriving at lunchtime or dinner more hungry and overeating.
  • Energy . A child’s physical and mental activity is remarkable. The little ones spend the whole day exercising their body and mind. They need food to recharge their batteries and to be able to keep up with the pace of the daily routine.

Yogurt is one of the best snacks

Some rules for a healthy snack

  1. Pay attention to the time of the snack. At school they will have a snack at break time. In the afternoon, however, make sure they have a snack after the digestion of lunch has taken place and not too close to dinner time.
  2. Pay attention to the quantity. Do not forget that it is a snack, which must be enough to provide energy until the next meal.  An excessive snack can cause disturbances in the rest of the meals if the child arrives without feeling the stimulus of hunger.
  3. Avoid the intake of refined sugars, dyes and preservatives. Even if the market offers quick fixes for the snack, pay attention to the ingredients, because it is not good to abuse certain substances.
  4. In the snack, include cereals, fruit and dairy products. It is not necessary that you propose them all, every day, but at least one a day yes.
  5. Water, lots of water .

The 5 best snacks for children

We have thought of some examples of healthy snacks for children to help you get started. Here, we recommend that you do not stop here:  innovate, create, use your imagination  and why not? Let your children propose ideas and try to fulfill their wishes.

  • Sandwich . The timeless snack. The fundamental aspect of the sandwich is not only the size, which must be proportional to the amount of activity carried out by your child, but also the stuffing. Cold cuts are a good alternative, as they provide protein, but they should not be abused. You can alternate these sandwiches with those with chocolate cream, for a mouth-watering energy boost.

Fruit and vegetables are excellent snacks

  • Fruit popsicle . Prepare a fruit puree and freeze it using the popsicle molds. It is a very healthy and perfect snack for the summer.
  • Yogurt . Yogurt can be mixed with fruit, cereals or dried fruit (provided it is not salty). Offers the right amount of dairy products. Prefer the natural one or be careful that the amount of sugar contained is not too high.
  • Smoothies . You can choose seasonal fruit to make a very tasty fruit smoothie. If you add milk and dried fruit, you will offer your children a complete snack.
  • Glass of milk with homemade cake. It is always recommended that you make the cakes yourself. This way you will know what ingredients you are going to use and you will be sure of their quantity. This snack is perfect for your children and of course for you too.

    Don’t worry if for once you don’t have time to prepare a healthy snack and you have to resort to prepackaged products. The importance of a healthy diet lies in consistency. However, this does not mean that from time to time we cannot take away some whim.

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