How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy brings changes in the woman’s body which, at times, can leave marks even after delivery. This is the case, in particular, with stretch marks. How can they be prevented or eliminated? This article will clear up all your doubts.
How to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy?

The stretch marks are marks that are produced on the skin surface. Generally, they occur in areas where fat usually accumulates,  such as the belly, buttocks, breasts or thighs. They are always a concern for mothers-to-be, who are wondering how they can get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy.

The appearance of stretch marks is very common during pregnancy. In fact, most mothers suffer from it during their first pregnancy, due to the intense stretching of the skin and hormonal alterations.

In general,  stretch marks during pregnancy can appear in the second trimester,  but they are much more frequent towards the end of gestation.

You must know that they look like scars: it is impossible to make them disappear completely! In the best case, you can reduce the color and size of them so that they are as little noticeable as possible.

7 tips to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy

Prevention is the fundamental weapon against the appearance of stretch marks. In general, the skin must be treated with great care, so that it can maintain its flexibility.

Particular care must be taken especially during pregnancy,  because this is the time when you are most prone to hormonal alterations and weight gain.  Likewise, to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy, we recommend that you observe the following tips.

1. Moisturize your skin every day

The first suggestion is to use creams or oils that give elasticity and hydration to your skin. You have to apply them regularly all over the body; in particular, on areas where there are stretch marks. We advise you to do this from the first months of pregnancy and even later, during the period of breastfeeding.

The most suitable creams are those enriched with vegetable oils. Similarly, oils such as sweet almond, jojoba oil, shea butter, avocado oil, wheat germ and olive oil are recommended.

Stretch marks resemble scars - it is impossible to make them disappear completely

2. Pay attention to the weight

As weight increases, stretch marks form more easily. If the skin is in tension, the more elastic fibers from which it is composed can break, especially in those areas that increase the most in volume during the months of pregnancy. Examples of these regions can be the stomach, hips or chest.

3. Drink lots of water

If you want to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy, it  is vital that you maintain overall body hydration. For mothers-to-be who wish to have flexible skin, the ideal is to drink between one and two liters of water a day.

Of course,  you can also take herbal teas or vegetable juices. However, avoid tea and coffee, as well as very sweet sodas. Fruit juices can be fine, thanks to their supply of vitamins, but you have to limit their consumption, because they contain a lot of sugar.

4. Eat healthy

Of course,  there are no stretch mark foods.  However, some can help provide the vitamins needed to maintain youthful, supple skin.

This is the case with antioxidant foods, such as vitamins C and E. They are found in fruits and vegetables such as kiwi, lettuce, pepper, orange, lemon, grapefruit, melon, pineapple, tomato. , legumes, vegetable oils and animal proteins.

5. Move around a lot

Physical activity must be planned together with your gynecologist or specialist. In addition to the usual benefits of sports, you should know that physical activity also helps fight stretch marks, because it tones the muscles and provides good support for the skin.

6. Apply a gentle exfoliant

The first step to take to fight and prevent stretch marks is exfoliation. For this purpose, it is recommended to replace the shower gel with a gentle exfoliant. Exfoliation allows for the regeneration of new cells, helping to strengthen the skin.

During pregnancy, the skin undergoes intense stretching and has stretch marks

7. Avoid sun exposure

In general, it  is best to avoid sun exposure during pregnancy. If you have stretch marks, you shouldn’t expose them to the sun, as they can become even more visible.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy,  we recommend that you be patient and, above all, always be ready to face and accept the changes your body may undergo.

Don’t forget that perseverance is absolutely essential when it comes to achieving good results. Applying these treatments to your skin once will not be enough: the most important thing will be to prevent their appearance.

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