How To Help Children Have Self-confidence

How to help children have self-confidence

Lack of confidence in children can negatively affect their development. For this, it is necessary to help them have self-confidence. Thus they will be able to develop the strength necessary to face life.

In other words, both self-esteem and confidence allow a human being to feel comfortable and gain approval from the most uncompromising judge: himself.

All children need time and space to discover themselves. However, we can always help them make them appreciate and love each other more and more.

Children who have self-confidence are able to experiment with the people and objects around them, freely and with a good self-awareness. This means that they do not feel threatened, unfit and have no other negative perceptions.

Although it seems contradictory, children raised according to the attachment theory are very independent. This is due to the fact that both the education and the dedication of the parents give them the necessary support to take initiatives.

In order for children to have self-confidence it is necessary that, first of all, they perceive safety in the surrounding environment. In this sense, it is very important that parents know how to transmit security to their children, demonstrate it or make them understand that:

  1. They are loved, as they were desired, from before conception.
  2. They can rely on their parents and vice versa.
  3. They are respected and they won’t have to do things just the way their parents want.
  4. They are listened to and that their opinion also counts.
  5. There are strong bonds in the family unit.

Solid family unit

How to help children have self-confidence

Educate them freely

As your child grows, it is normal for them to become more independent. The parents’ job is to help them discover the world and experience in a balanced way. This means preventing the risks that every action implies and warning him of the dangers. All this must happen without depriving him of the fun and the game.

The game helps children a lot to discover the world and structure it. Let them play and do activities that help them reach goals. Striving to achieve goals will help them to be aware that they can achieve what they propose. This is very important for strengthening their self-esteem, a fundamental pillar for having self-confidence.

Encourage them to do things on their own

If you want to help your child grow confident, you must avoid educating him in a way that always requires your help. The first thing to do is talk to him about independence and the benefits of trying to do things on your own.

Of course, considering that a child is a still developing person, he will succeed in some things, but for others he will ask for your help.

Teach them about teamwork

There is nothing wrong with helping them. Parental intervention must guide the children to achieve the goal they have set for themselves. So, you have to try to help them, but not to do things for them, as you limit their learning.

Work with the little ones, help them share the merits of a task. Celebrate the progress, not the results. So even if they fail at something, they learn that next time they will have to try harder. Thanks to this lesson and your help, your children will feel confident and will know that there is always room for improvement.

Learn to delegate and let it go

Sometimes, parents forget that although they have fathered their children, they are not an extension of them. In general, everyone has this kind of selfishness. However, at times, the personal shortcomings of the parents cause emotional dependence in the children.

Remember that life belongs to the little ones, even if you gave it to them. As they grow, they will have to make more and more decisions on their own, so that they make new discoveries and grow. If you feel tempted to recommend them, go ahead and do so. However, remember that you have to do it properly.

Love between mother and daughter

Be tactful: make constructive criticism

Sometimes, without bad intentions, many parents comfort their children by saying things like “Come here, poor little one.” Pedagogue Elena Roger Gamir recommends  eliminating the use of such expressions. In fact, explain that it is your child, not a poor child.

This advice also applies to all other comments that invite the child to feel sorry for himself. Hence the importance of choosing words well. You can do this by learning to manage your emotions.

Avoid negative messages and leave room for positive ones. Even if your child hasn’t done something right, find a way to say it constructively. Ideally, parents should encourage the development of healthy self-esteem in their children. This is the key to helping them have self-confidence.

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