How To Motivate A Teenager To Stay Active

Does your teen not like exercise? Help him move more with these tips!
How to motivate a teenager to stay active

If you’re worried that your teen isn’t getting enough physical activity, it’s time to learn how to stay active. Motivating kids to stay physically active and keep fit is very important, as it helps channel negative energy. It is no coincidence that sport is health, both mental and physical. In this article, we tell you how to motivate a teenager to stay active.

Motivate a teenager to stay active

Obesity isn’t just a problem among adults. More and more children and adolescents are overweight around the world. Many young people face weight problems and obesity is increasingly common among teenagers. With numbers only growing, parents should learn how to best cope with the problem.

Since overweight children and adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming overweight adults, steps must be taken to reverse the crisis and ensure that our adolescent children lead healthy, active lives.

Additionally, overweight teens run the risk of suffering from health problems, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.

Add to this the emotional consequences, such as social discrimination, low self-esteem and depression. Being overweight is a problem that can cause permanent damage to a teenager’s well-being. What can be done to counter this trend?

Motivated teenager.

Find an activity he loves

A teenager’s behaviors play an important role in determining whether he or she will be motivated to stay active and eat healthy, two crucial factors in avoiding obesity. It is essential to educate your children about healthy eating and physical activity, and to warn them about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle from an early age.

Learn about the topic and be prepared to answer any questions your child may have. Be aware of the diseases and health problems that being overweight entails and don’t be afraid to state all the facts clearly so that they understand the seriousness of the situation.

Although factors such as your family’s physical conformation and financial situation can be difficult to change, the environment is a factor parents can control and that affects a teenager’s perception of reality.

Try to involve your child in activities that they enjoy. Forcing your child to play a sport they don’t like is not a good option because it doesn’t motivate them.

Motivating a teenager means respecting his tastes

On the other hand, you will have to discover his tastes. If he is into martial arts, sign him up for a class a couple of times a week. Conversely, if he expresses interest in tennis, then that will be his sport. If your financial situation prevents you from paying for private lessons, look for neighborhood, municipality, regional initiatives. They often offer free or reduced-cost lessons.

Children playing with a skateboard.
Making physical activity a family business is another cheap and easy way to teach your child to stay active. Plus, it helps solidify the relationship. Try running a family activity as part of your normal weekly routine – it will soon become a family tradition!

Once a week, get the whole family together for a fun sport, such as hiking, cycling, or another activity you enjoy. Not only will you all get a great workout, but you will also spend time together!

Teens want to stand out

Teens want to stand out and feel useful, and success can be a very powerful motivator. An active part-time job or volunteer activity can help teens exercise and feel useful at the same time. However, keep in mind that it may take a couple of tries for your child to find a job, an activity or a type of sport that they enjoy and that satisfies them both physically and psychologically.

Don’t get frustrated if he changes his mind often. A solid relationship and good communication with your child will both help them discover the perfect activity for them, but, above all, keep the parent-child relationship ever closer. Plus, you’ll never have to lose sight of the importance of being their best example to follow. Your child needs to learn from you!

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