How To Recover The Line In A Short Time After Childbirth

There are many women who want to recover their figure immediately after giving birth. We give you some advice, but know that the most important thing is not to be in a hurry and take your time.
How to recover the line in a short time after giving birth

After giving birth, many mothers wonder what kind of exercises they can do to recover the figure in a short time. If the topic interests you too, read on, we will offer you some ideas .

The first thing to say, however, is that  recovering the line in a short time  is not an obligation. And not all of them succeed. Sometimes it takes a little longer, and that’s perfectly normal.

Postural education

What does the term postural education mean  ? It means  educating the body in order to make it assume a correct posture after childbirth. This is a fundamental aspect, for the simple fact that a correct posture is essential to recover the figure in a short time.

The benefits of holding the baby well once it is born and doing exercises to recover the figure are undeniable. According to experts, they help avoid back problems and not suffer from pelvic floor dysfunctions, which are those that affect the uterus, bladder and rectum.

Waiting is essential to recover the line in no time

Before you can train and perform the exercises after giving birth,  you need to be patient and wait some time. It is best to be cautious,  as physical recovery varies from woman to woman, based on her condition.

The goal of the exercises is to get mothers to break the postpartum routine and get back to feeling active. In fact, according to a psychoprophylaxis specialist, the idea is that the woman will begin to recover after giving birth by doing some physical activity. In this way , both his mind and his self-esteem benefit. 

When to go back to training

In many cases it is advisable to wait until three or four weeks have passed after giving birth before returning to the gym. However, we recommend that you first undergo a medical examination in order to determine what your physical condition is and how soon you can get back to training.

How to recover the line in no time

What kind of exercises can be done to recover the line in no time? Before offering you some ideas, we must point out that these exercises must be performed  using a common and fundamental tool in the recovery, called a gymnastic ball.  With that in mind, here are some ideas:

  1. Let’s start with a  muscle strengthening exercise for the hips and pelvis. To do this, lie on the ball on your stomach, place your hands on the ground and lift one leg. You can do 2 sets of 10 repetitions, alternating legs.
  2. Maintaining the same position as in the previous exercise, lift your legs and contract your buttocks. This exercise also serves to tone the abdominal area.  Again you can perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

Exercises for muscle and organ strengthening

  1. Lie on the ball with your back to  strengthen the muscles of the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks. You can do 2 sets of 10.
  2. Lie on a mat, raise your legs to form a 45 ° angle. Lift your chin and bring it to your chest, keeping your arms level with your body. Maintain the position for ten seconds. Q T his exercise promotes the revitalization of organs. You can do series of three.

How to recover the figure in a short time: exercises for mother and baby

To recover the line in a short time, you can also perform exercises with the child. How? Here are some ideas:

  1. Pick up the baby and raise him to shoulder height, then flex the knee to tone the calves and hamstrings. This exercise also promotes abdominal control for mom. You can perform 2 consecutive sets of 10 push-ups.
  2. Maintaining the same position in the previous exercise, lower the child without flexing the knee. You can extend your arms and lower them for 10 seconds, 2 times in a row. This exercise promotes toning of the back, chest and arm muscles.

Retrieve the line in no time with the child

Exercise for toning the upper body

  1. In this case, sitting on a mat, lift the child up to form a 45 ° angle. The goal of this exercise is for the baby to develop his visual perception while the mother interacts with him. Once the exercise is finished, you can lower the baby.

Exercise for toning the lower body

  1. Assuming the position of the previous exercise again, raise the legs to form an L. Then, position the child on the legs so that the movement is limited as you lift them. In this case it is necessary to check the abs, buttocks and thighs. This exercise is to tone the lower body.
  2. Lie on your side, lift one leg at a time. Do 2-3 sets, then switch legs. As you perform the exercise, you can talk, play or even sing with the baby. 

You can do the previous exercises one at a time, with the goal of doing 10 minutes of physical activity in the week after you started.

Recommendations when performing postpartum exercises

There are contraindications to performing the exercises. One of them is having developed an infection in the postpartum or having suffered a major injury to the genital system at the time of delivery. If heavy bleeding occurred during childbirth, anemia may be present (which can greatly affect the mother’s ability to perform physical activities). In the event that a woman has given birth by means of a caesarean, she will have to wait longer to resume exercising.

Watch out for excessive physical activity

There are women who, worried about losing weight, overdo exercise and physical activity. However, in the early stages of postpartum, exercises should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Don’t forget that physical activity must be accompanied by a balanced diet and that good hydration is essential.

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